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How do you know if a server is private on discord? 

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
20 May 2019
115 Citations
Moreover, our scheme is secure to honest-but-curious server setting even if the cloud server colludes with multiple users.
Analyses revealed a significant interaction between friendship support and parental discord, indicating that support from close friends may help to moderate the negative impact of marital discord on children's behavior.

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Why is detecting billboard important?
5 answers
Detecting billboards is crucial for various reasons. Firstly, illegal billboard advertisements can infringe on consumer rights and harm the advertising industry and market environment. Secondly, precise visibility measurement of billboard advertising is essential for cost-effective sport live broadcasts. Additionally, detecting salient billboards in images and videos can help understand human attention patterns, especially across different age groups. Moreover, the development of advanced detection methods, such as the attention-based multi-scale feature fusion for billboard detection, can significantly improve accuracy and performance. Lastly, ensuring the authenticity of billboard data, especially for tax purposes, requires efficient measurement techniques like image processing methods. Overall, detecting billboards is vital for regulatory compliance, market analysis, and understanding consumer behavior.
How does mental stress increase the risk of injury in sports?
5 answers
Mental stress significantly increases the risk of injury in sports by impacting athletes both psychologically and physically. Studies have shown that psychological stressors, such as anxiety and daily boredom, can lead to complications and a higher incidence of injuries in athletes. Athletes facing mental health disorders have been found to suffer from a higher frequency of total injuries, longer recovery times, increased rates of injury recurrence, and decreased performance upon return to sports. Moreover, factors like underfueling due to body image pressures can lead to deficiencies, low bone mass density, and ultimately stress fractures, emphasizing the critical need to prioritize mental health screenings alongside physical injury prevention strategies in athletic departments. Therefore, addressing mental stress and implementing psychosocial programs are crucial in reducing the risk of injuries among athletes.
What machine learning algorithms are most effective in detecting mathematical expressions from answer sheets?
5 answers
Machine learning algorithms play a crucial role in detecting mathematical expressions from answer sheets. Various algorithms have been explored for this task, including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), and transformer-based networks. SVM and CNN have been widely used for mathematical expression recognition, with SVM achieving an accuracy of 62.3% and CNN achieving 76.21% on the Hasyv2 dataset. Additionally, a Dual Branch transformer-based Network (DBN) has been proposed to learn both local and global context information for accurate Printed Mathematical Expression Recognition (PMER), achieving state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, pre-trained deep CNNs have been utilized in combination with SVM to achieve a high accuracy of 99.5% for detecting variables in inline expressions in document images.
Can compassion be an effective strategy for addressing retaliation in the workplace?
4 answers
Compassion can indeed be an effective strategy for addressing retaliation in the workplace. Research highlights that compassion plays a crucial role in reducing stress, enhancing mental well-being, and fostering emotional resilience in work environments. Moreover, compassion can influence consumers' anger towards perpetrators of corporate irresponsibility, indirectly impacting decisions on retaliation. Compassion, as a tool in Compassion Focused Therapy, has shown positive outcomes in various settings, including workplaces, by promoting positive well-being. Understanding compassion through a biblical lens emphasizes its holistic involvement and interpersonal commitment, which can aid organizational leaders in fostering transformative and sustainable compassionate practices in the workplace. Therefore, integrating compassion into workplace culture can mitigate retaliation by promoting understanding, empathy, and positive interactions among employees.
Why students are affected by external pressure?
5 answers
Students are affected by external pressure due to a combination of factors such as stress, competitiveness, and societal expectations. Research shows that stress arises when internal and external pressures exceed an individual's coping resources. External pressures, including the need to excel and competitiveness, are positively correlated with eating disorder characteristics and body dissatisfaction among students. Moreover, the adoption of employee performance management systems within academic units is influenced by external pressures, leading to different management systems and potential distortions in alignment. Additionally, peer pressure among students can result in a loss of focus on academics, disciplinary issues, and even school dropout, highlighting the negative impact of external influences on students' well-being and academic performance.
How does smartphones affect the poor academic performance of students?
5 answers
Smartphones can impact academic performance in various ways. Excessive smartphone use has been linked to poor academic performance among college students, with factors like age and age of first-time smartphone use playing a significant role. While excessive smartphone usage was associated with reduced physical activity, it did not show a direct correlation with academic performance in undergraduate medical students. However, elementary school students with high smartphone use tended to outperform those with low smartphone use, indicating a potential inequality in learning opportunities due to smartphone behavior. Bedtime smartphone use was found to contribute to poor academic performance through mediators like nomophobia and sleep deprivation, with physical activity helping mitigate these effects among college students. Additionally, overuse of smartphones indirectly affects student performance, emphasizing the need for interventions to regulate smartphone usage and improve academic outcomes.
How does academic stress affects the Academic Performance of the students?
5 answers
Academic stress has a significant impact on students' academic performance. Research indicates that there is a complex relationship between academic stress and academic achievement.While moderate levels of stress can enhance motivation and performance, excessive stress can lead to a decline in academic outcomes. Factors such as coping skills, social support, and the ability to convert negative stress into positive stress play crucial roles in determining how stress influences academic performance. It has been found that stress can lead to academic procrastination, which in turn negatively affects academic output. Therefore, managing stress levels, maintaining a conducive study environment, and fostering optimistic thinking are recommended strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of academic stress on students' academic performance.
How are community development and community resilience connected??
5 answers
Community development and community resilience are interconnected through their shared goals and methods. Community development, with its focus on capacity building, empowerment, and networking, offers a crucial approach to enhancing community resilience. While community resilience involves coping and recovery from stressors, it also encompasses shared philosophies, cultural patterns, and emotional qualities that contribute to a community's ability to adapt and thrive in the face of challenges. Additionally, community resilience provides a framework for understanding community change and addressing it effectively, emphasizing the importance of social structures and communal resources in building resilience. Employees of nonprofit organizations play a significant role in community resilience, highlighting the need to examine their work environment and contributions to wider community resilience.
Do animals increase the happy hormone to cope stress?
5 answers
Animals do not increase the "happy hormone" to cope with stress. Instead, they exhibit physiological responses involving the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) to manage stressors. Stress triggers the activation of brain centers like the locus coeruleus, paraventricular nucleus, amygdala, and hippocampus, leading to elevated HPA axis hormones and SNS activity. Chronic stress can result in changes such as behavioral disturbances and diseases in animals, necessitating further research on stress in farm animals. In response to stress, animals may show increased ACTH and cortisol secretion, adrenal hypertrophy, and changes in cardiovascular risk factors due to mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids. Additionally, animal models have been used to study acute and chronic stress responses, including posttraumatic stress disorder and mood disorders.
What are some real-world applications of the Python PULP library in business and finance?
5 answers
The Python PULP library, primarily designed for parallel ultra-low-power RISC-V processors, finds applications in various fields like finance and business. In the realm of finance, Python libraries play a crucial role in quantitative finance, financial modeling, and time series analysis. Moreover, Python libraries are essential for implementing concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) like machine learning and data science, which have significant applications in finance, fraud detection, and decision-making processes. The integration of Python libraries in business and finance enables practitioners and developers to leverage Python for handling financial needs efficiently, making it a valuable tool for data analysis, modeling, and decision support in these sectors.
Does technostress due to AI have an influence on the stress level of students?
5 answers
Technostress induced by technology, including AI, can indeed impact students' stress levels. Studies show that the increased use of Information Systems (IS) in education can lead to technostress among students, affecting their productivity negatively. Furthermore, the shift towards technology-based learning during the pandemic has exacerbated technostress among students, potentially causing anxiety and depression. The forced transition from on-site to online education has been particularly challenging, resulting in high levels of technostress among students. Research also indicates that technostress can have a negative impact on the academic productivity of students, highlighting the importance of addressing this issue in educational settings. Therefore, it is evident that technostress, including that stemming from AI, can significantly influence the stress levels of students.