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How does Ayurvedic medicine approach the diagnosis and treatment of female infertility? 

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Ayurvedic medicine approaches the diagnosis and treatment of female infertility by focusing on various factors such as lifestyle, stress, genetic issues, and physiological imbalances. Diagnosis involves identifying specific conditions like PCOS, tubal blockages, and menstrual irregularities. Treatment typically includes Panchakarma therapies like Vamana and Uttara Basti to detoxify and balance the body, along with internal medications to address underlying imbalances. Ayurveda emphasizes correcting menstrual irregularities, ensuring proper ovulation, and promoting overall reproductive health to enhance the chances of conception and successful childbirth. Psychological support and lifestyle modifications are also integral parts of the treatment process.

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Ayurvedic medicine diagnoses female infertility by assessing factors like Rutu, Kshetra, Ambu, and Beej. Treatment involves Panchkarma and herbomineral formulations to restore balance and promote fertility.
Ayurvedic medicine diagnoses female infertility as Vandhyatwa, focusing on Garbha Sambhava Samagri abnormalities. Treatment includes Vatanulomana, Shodhana, Rasayana, Vrishya, Garbhasthapana, and psychological assurance for successful conception.
Ayurvedic medicine diagnoses female infertility by addressing Agnimandya, Ama, and stress. Treatment involves Vamana, Shamana, Agnidipana, Amapachana, Matra Basti, and relaxation techniques, aiming to balance Tridoshahara and Apana Vata.
Ayurvedic medicine diagnoses female infertility as Vandhyatva due to conditions like PCOS, focusing on correcting menstrual irregularities and promoting ovulation through Vatakaphahara and Agni deepana therapies.

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