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How does cholesterol affect the permeability acorss phospholipid bilayer? 

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Cholesterol significantly impacts the permeability across phospholipid bilayers. Studies show that high levels of cholesterol in lipid membranes lead to a notable decrease in permeability . The presence of cholesterol induces a reduction in membrane permeability induced by ionic liquids, with higher cholesterol content resulting in a more pronounced effect. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that cholesterol reduces oxygen permeability through phospholipid bilayers, indicating an underestimation of resistance to oxygen permeation in the phospholipid headgroup region in experimental studies . Overall, cholesterol plays a crucial role in modulating the permeability of phospholipid bilayers, impacting the diffusion of gases and other molecules across the membrane.

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Cholesterol increases resistance to oxygen permeation in the headgroup region of phospholipid bilayers, reducing permeability compared to bilayers without cholesterol, as shown by atomistic simulations and experimental validation.
Cholesterol reduces membrane permeability across phospholipid bilayers by increasing membrane rigidity, leading to lower leakage induced by ionic liquids, as observed in the study.
Cholesterol reduces water molecule permeation events across phospholipid bilayers by compacting the bilayer, making it denser and hindering water diffusion.
Cholesterol significantly reduces permeability across phospholipid bilayers; membranes with high cholesterol levels are about ten times less permeable to CO2 compared to those without cholesterol.

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