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How does community engagement impact a business's overall success on social media platforms? 

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Community engagement significantly impacts a business's success on social media platforms. Research has shown that appeals to community belongingness drive high user engagement. Engaging with community members on online sales platforms positively affects sellers, leading to increased sales. Moreover, community engagement plays a crucial role in value co-creation and influences behavioral components like purchase intent and actual use, contributing to a business's success. In the context of countering violent extremism, community engagement activities have been associated with a decrease in online pro-ISIS rhetoric, showcasing the effectiveness of engaging communities in addressing radicalization. Furthermore, engaging with community influencers on social media enhances brand equity and co-creation potential, offering significant business opportunities. Overall, community engagement is a key driver of success for businesses on social media platforms.

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Open accessProceedings Article
Ermira Zifla, Sunil Wattal 
01 Jan 2016
3 Citations
Community engagement, such as gaining followers, positively influences sales for individual sellers on peer-to-peer platforms like, indicating a link between engagement and economic success.
Community engagement enhances value co-creation and influences behavioral components like purchase intent, benefiting businesses by fostering consumer loyalty and increasing product purchase likelihood on social media platforms.
Community engagement, particularly appeals to community belongingness, significantly boosts user interaction on social media for organizations, increasing likes, comments, and shares, thus enhancing their online presence and success.
Not addressed in the paper.
Community engagement with influencers positively impacts brand equity and co-creation potential on social media, enhancing a business's success by fostering collaborative relationships and increasing brand value.

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