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How does information systems research relate to sociocultural anthropology? 

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Information systems research and sociocultural anthropology intersect in various ways. Anthropological approaches can humanize technology research, viewing culture as an information system . Data ideologies play a crucial role in shaping research practices, emphasizing the importance of sharing data to enable multi-perspectival analysis and enrich ethnographic narratives . The collaboration between Geographical Information Science and Cultural Anthropology aims to integrate indigenous communities' perspectives into development projects, highlighting the significance of anthropologists in linking culture with scientific disciplines and the importance of geographic space in community dynamics . Additionally, the reflexive nature of information systems research differs from social anthropology, focusing on the 'otherness' of technology and users' practices, which can impact the construction of expert domains and research methodologies . Ultimately, understanding sociocultural contexts is essential for designing effective information systems that resonate with diverse communities .

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Geographical Information Science and Cultural Anthropology collaborate by modeling anthropological knowledge in information systems, enhancing interdisciplinary communication and supporting development projects in indigenous communities.
Information systems research can benefit from sociocultural anthropology by designing systems based on cultural insights, enabling communities to create and prioritize content within their own contexts.
Not addressed in the paper.
Anthropological approaches in information systems research humanize technology by viewing culture as an information system, emphasizing empirical ethnographic methods, cultural comparisons, temporal analysis, and material factors.

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