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How does IP PBX technology compare to traditional PBX systems in terms of cost savings? 

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IP PBX technology offers significant cost savings compared to traditional PBX systems. Unlike traditional TDM-based PBX systems that require separate wired infrastructures, IP PBX systems like Asterisk-based ones can be attached to the local LAN, utilizing SIP with RTP over IP for signaling and data transport . By leveraging open-source software and compact Single Board Computers like Raspberry Pi, IP PBX systems can provide cost-effective solutions with low initial investment and reduced management costs . Additionally, the use of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in IP PBX systems eliminates the need for expensive hardware equipment and commercial software, further contributing to cost savings . Overall, IP PBX technology stands out for its affordability, scalability, and efficiency in communication systems, making it a preferred choice for organizations seeking to optimize costs while maintaining quality communication services.

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IP-PBX systems, like RasPBX-based, reduce management costs by utilizing existing lines. They offer similar quality to traditional PBX but without the need for expensive hardware or software.
IP PBX technology, like Asterisk PBX, offers cost savings over traditional PBX systems by leveraging VoIP for communication, reducing reliance on expensive telephone networks, as shown in the Garden City University case study.
IP PBX systems offer cost savings compared to traditional PBX due to their low cost, high customizability, and hardware-independent nature, making them a more economical choice for organizations.
IP PBX systems offer cost savings over traditional PBX systems by utilizing secure VPN communication, reducing communication costs, and providing seamless connectivity for remote users and geographically dispersed branches.

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