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How does ocean mixing impact carbon fluxes? 

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Ocean mixing has a significant impact on carbon fluxes. Altered mixing can cause up to a 40% change in air-sea fluxes of carbon in the Southern Ocean (SO) over a few years, affecting the distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, temperature, and salinity . Increasing mixing rates in the SO can enhance biomass by altering key biogeochemical and physical parameters, such as the surface supply of iron, which is responsible for biomass increases in most areas . Changes in vertical mixing can also affect the storage associated with the biological and solubility pumps, decreasing remineralized carbon storage in the deep ocean and warming the ocean as a whole . Artificially enhanced vertical mixing can increase the amount of organic carbon exported from surface waters, but it can also lead to an overall increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations . These findings highlight the importance of accurately representing vertical mixing in climate models to understand and predict carbon fluxes in the ocean .

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The paper discusses the impact of artificially enhanced vertical mixing on carbon fluxes in the ocean. It states that the mixing of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is the dominant effect on atmospheric CO2 increase, while the mixing of alkalinity and biological production also play a role.
The paper does not directly address how ocean mixing impacts carbon fluxes.
The paper shows that ocean mixing directly affects tracers such as DIC, alkalinity, temperature, and salinity, leading to significant changes in surface ocean carbon fluxes.
The paper states that changes in ocean mixing impact carbon fluxes by affecting the efficiency of both the solubility and biological pumps, resulting in changes in the inventories of carbon within the ocean.
The paper states that altered mixing in the Southern Ocean can cause up to a 40% change in air-sea carbon fluxes by altering the distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, temperature, and salinity.

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