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How does online tracking and data collection impact consumer behaviour and privacy perceptions in e-commerce? 

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Online tracking and data collection significantly influence consumer behavior and privacy perceptions in e-commerce. Consumers' trust in online platforms has increased over time due to the convenience and variety offered by e-commerce platforms . However, the rapid advancement of technology has raised privacy concerns among e-commerce users, leading to uncertainties regarding the protection of personal information . Studies have shown that consumers have diverse opinions on e-commerce security, with many expressing concerns about the guarantee of security while still adopting online shopping practices . Additionally, the integration of data-driven online advertising has led to increased privacy concerns, with consumers being wary of online behavioral advertising and its implications on their privacy . Overall, the balance between the benefits of e-commerce and the protection of consumer data remains a critical issue in shaping consumer behavior and privacy perceptions in the digital marketplace.

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Online tracking and data collection in e-commerce raise privacy concerns among consumers, influencing their behavior and perceptions due to potential misuse of personal information.
Online tracking and data collection in e-commerce can influence consumer behavior and privacy perceptions negatively due to potential breaches, lack of transparency, and trust issues, as highlighted in the paper.
Online tracking and data collection trigger privacy concerns, while factors like benefit perceptions, trust, and privacy policies can mitigate these concerns, influencing consumer behavior in e-commerce.
Online tracking and data collection in e-commerce can raise privacy concerns for consumers, influencing their behavior. Trust in online platforms is crucial for maintaining consumer confidence in online shopping.

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