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How does self-motivation influence the job performance of academic librarians? 

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Self-motivation plays a crucial role in influencing the job performance of academic librarians. Studies from Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, and the Philippines highlight the significance of motivational factors in enhancing librarians' performance. Factors such as rewards, recognition, a positive work environment, autonomy, compensation, and self-efficacy have been identified as key elements that drive librarians to excel in their roles. Research emphasizes that when librarians are intrinsically motivated, satisfied with their work environment, and believe in their abilities, they tend to thrive at work, leading to improved job performance. Therefore, fostering self-motivation through various incentives and supportive measures can significantly enhance the overall performance of academic librarians.

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Self-motivation was not specifically addressed in the paper. The study focused on overall motivational factors' influence on job performance of academic librarians in Ogun State, Nigeria.
Self-motivation, along with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, positively impacts the job performance of academic librarians, enhancing their commitment and overall performance levels.
Self-efficacy, a form of self-motivation, positively impacts librarians' thriving at work, enhancing their job performance by enabling them to manage stressors and believe in their problem-solving abilities.
Self-motivation, including rewards, honor, work environment, and autonomy, positively influences academic librarians' job performance by encouraging innovative and value-added services in the workplace.
Self-motivation influences academic librarians' job performance by driving achievements, recognition, responsibility, and potential development, leading to job satisfaction and improved performance.

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