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How does the implementation of a new organizational strategy affect employee productivity and job satisfaction? 

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The implementation of a new organizational strategy can significantly impact employee productivity and job satisfaction. Research suggests that smart infrastructure systems can enhance employee productivity in universities, with a 78% acceptance rate for such strategies . Additionally, in a dynamic work environment influenced by globalization and technology, maintaining a smart work culture can lead to higher job satisfaction levels and increased productivity among employees . Studies emphasize the importance of employee satisfaction in improving performance, with satisfied employees being up to 12% more productive than dissatisfied ones . Furthermore, a strong relationship exists between employee satisfaction, motivation, and organizational productivity, where motivated and satisfied employees tend to contribute more effectively towards achieving organizational objectives .

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Employee satisfaction impacts productivity; satisfied employees are 12% more productive. However, organizational productivity isn't solely dependent on employee satisfaction; engagement also plays a crucial role.
Implementing a new organizational strategy can positively impact employee productivity and job satisfaction by fostering a smart work culture that values and supports employees, ultimately enhancing organizational productivity.
Not addressed in the paper.
Implementation of a new management approach positively impacts employee performance and job satisfaction in Pakistan's manufacturing sector by enhancing productivity and addressing factors like compensation and working conditions.
The implementation of modern strategy through Smart Infrastructure at a university in Indonesia significantly increased employee productivity, as indicated by a 78% acceptance rate in the study.

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