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How does the level of airline responsiveness vary among different age groups? 

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Airline responsiveness varies among different age groups. Research shows that older passengers face higher risks during flights, with age being a significant factor in diversions and deaths due to medical emergencies . In terms of airway responsiveness, studies indicate that the elderly may experience unchanged or slightly decreased responsiveness, potentially leading to conditions like aspiration pneumonia . Furthermore, airway hyperresponsiveness tends to increase with age, influenced by factors such as reduced lung function, smoking history, and atopy, highlighting the importance of assessing this in the elderly for early risk identification . As air travel becomes more accessible to all age groups, airlines are enhancing medical support onboard, with cabin crew receiving training in first aid and defibrillator use to address in-flight emergencies .

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Open access
A Qureshi, K M Porter 
01 Mar 2006
26 Citations
The paper does not specifically address the variation in airline responsiveness among different age groups during in-flight medical emergencies.
Airway hyperresponsiveness tends to increase with age, influenced by factors like reduced lung function, smoking history, and atopy, with a higher prevalence observed in the elderly population.
Airline responsiveness varies among age groups, with 18-30-year-olds showing higher responsiveness to social media advertising like Facebook, Instagram, and Line applications when choosing airlines in Thailand.
Open accessJournal Article
Kiyoshi Ishida, Y Fukuchi 
1 Citations
Airway responsiveness may be unchanged or slightly decreased in the elderly compared to young adults, with a lower response to methacholine in older guinea pigs.
Passengers aged 70 and above have significantly higher odds of in-flight deaths and diversions compared to younger age groups, indicating varying airline responsiveness based on age.

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