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How does the shopping behavior of Generation X differ from other generations? 

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Generation X's shopping behavior differs from other generations in various aspects. Research indicates that Gen X consumers are impacted by factors like mobile shopping efficiency, effort expectancy, and the perceived severity of COVID-19, influencing their mobile commerce buying intentions . Additionally, Gen X consumers do not prioritize brands when purchasing clothing products, focusing more on the benefits, unlike Generation Y who use clothing brands to showcase social status . Furthermore, a study comparing shopping habits across generations found that Gen X shows the lowest frequency in purchasing fashion products online, preferring a combination of online and traditional shopping methods . These findings highlight the unique characteristics of Generation X in terms of shopping behavior compared to other generations.

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Generation X differs from Generation Y in shopping orientation and impulse buying behaviors, but not in status consumption when purchasing fast fashion products. They focus on benefits rather than social status.
Generation X spends more money online, showing a statistically significant difference in shopping behavior compared to other generations, as indicated by regression and correlation analysis in the study.
Generation X's shopping behavior differs due to limited access to technology and significant impact from COVID-19. Their mobile commerce intentions are influenced by m-shopping efficiency, effort expectancy, and perceived severity of COVID-19.
Generation X shows lower online fashion product purchase frequency compared to Generations Y and Z. They exhibit differences in single-channel and cross-channel shopping preferences, impacting consumer behavior in the fashion industry.

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