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How does tutorial exposure help improve students performance in solving word problems in math? 

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Tutorial exposure significantly enhances students' performance in math word problem solving. By leveraging advanced AI technologies, such as Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers (BERT) , large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 can distill their problem-solving capabilities into smaller student models, providing tailored learning experiences . Additionally, intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) for math word problem solving offer step-by-step guidance, generating tutorial solutions and providing adaptive tutoring with hints and suggestions to foster learning . Novel decoding modules like Goal Selection and Feedback (GSF) and Multilayer Fusion Network (MFN) further enhance the performance of models, especially in handling complex samples with long math expressions . These approaches collectively improve students' problem-solving skills by offering personalized guidance, feedback, and efficient learning experiences.

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Tutorial exposure enhances students' math word problem solving by utilizing Goal Selection and Feedback (GSF) decoding module, improving performance on complex problems with long expressions.
Tutorial exposure in the proposed MathITS provides step-by-step solutions, adaptive hints, and immediate feedback, enhancing students' math word problem-solving skills, as demonstrated in the efficient pioneer experiment.
Tutorial exposure improves math word problem solving by customizing exercises to target student weaknesses, enhancing learning efficiency, and outperforming large language models with fewer parameters.
Tutorial exposure in the proposed MathITS provides step-by-step solutions, hints, and feedback, enhancing students' problem-solving skills in math word problems, as demonstrated in the efficient pioneer experiment conducted.
Tutorial exposure enhances math word problem solving by utilizing BERT-based models for accurate solutions and compressing them through knowledge distillation, improving speed and accuracy.

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