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How effective is voice CAPTCHA authentication in mitigating bot activity in online ticketing systems? 

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Voice CAPTCHA authentication is effective in mitigating bot activity in online ticketing systems. Prior research has found that audio CAPTCHAs, which are used as an alternative to text and image CAPTCHAs for visually impaired users, are highly vulnerable to automated attacks using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems . However, the design and implementation of an audio adversarial CAPTCHA (aaeCAPTCHA) system has been shown to significantly enhance the security and robustness of traditional audio CAPTCHA systems . Experimental evaluations demonstrate that aaeCAPTCHA is highly secure against state-of-the-art DNN-based ASR systems and commercial Speech-to-Text (STT) services, even when the attacker has complete knowledge of the current attacks against audio adversarial examples . Therefore, voice CAPTCHA authentication can effectively prevent automated abuses in online ticketing systems.

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
Heemany Shekhar, Melody Moh, Teng-Sheng Moh 
01 Dec 2019
3 Citations
The provided paper does not specifically mention the effectiveness of voice CAPTCHA authentication in mitigating bot activity in online ticketing systems.
The provided paper does not specifically mention the effectiveness of voice CAPTCHA authentication in mitigating bot activity in online ticketing systems.
The provided paper does not specifically mention voice CAPTCHA authentication or its effectiveness in mitigating bot activity in online ticketing systems.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
01 Jun 2022
2 Citations
The provided paper does not specifically mention the effectiveness of voice CAPTCHA authentication in mitigating bot activity in online ticketing systems.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Md Imran Hossen, Xiali Hei 
05 Mar 2022
2 Citations
The provided paper does not specifically mention the effectiveness of voice CAPTCHA authentication in mitigating bot activity in online ticketing systems.

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