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How fertilizing for azolla? 

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Azolla can be utilized as a biofertilizer due to its nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial symbiont, Nostoc azollae, which enhances nitrogen availability for plants . Azolla biofertilizer has shown high nitrogen availability compared to compost and cyanobacterial biofertilizers, making it a promising option for enhancing soil fertility . Additionally, Azolla can provide potassium and other nutrients to improve soil quality, making it a viable alternative to traditional potassium fertilizers . The combination of azolla compost with NPK synthetic fertilizers has been found to optimize rice growth and yield, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers by up to 60% without compromising productivity . Overall, Azolla's ability to fix nitrogen, provide essential nutrients, and enhance soil quality makes it a valuable biofertilizer option for sustainable agriculture practices.

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Azolla compost can replace up to 60% of synthetic fertilizers for enhancing rice growth and productivity without significant yield reduction, making it a sustainable fertilizing approach.
Azolla biofertilizer is effective for vegetable crops, providing rapid nitrogen mineralization and comparable yields to urea, potentially reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel use in fertilizer production.
The azolla filliculoidas fertilizer is prepared by combining azolla juice, urea, brown sugar, and EM bacteria, fermenting, and adding brassinolide. It is eco-friendly, safe, and beneficial for human health.
Azolla's symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria enables it to act as a biofertilizer by sequestering CO2, doubling biomass in 2 days, and providing nitrogen-based products for plant growth.
Azolla can be used as a source of potassium (K) fertilizer by mulching or green manuring, enhancing soil K availability, nutrient uptake, and crop yield in onion cultivation.

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What are the phytochemicals in Azolla?5 answersAzolla is rich in phytochemicals such as crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols, saponins, cardiac glycosides, and quinones. It also contains secondary metabolites including bioactive principle compounds like docosane, tetradecanoic acid, 9-octadecenal, hexadecanoic acid, dodecanoic acid, 6,7-dimethoxy-2-tetralone, 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol, phenol, 2-methoxy-5-(1-propenyl)-,(E), cycloheptane,1,3,5-tris(methylene), 4-(6,6-dimethyl-2-methylenecyclohex-3-enylidene)pentan-2-ol, loliolide, and cis-2-[2-(hydroxymethyl)cyclopentyl]ethanol. Azolla also contains C-glycosylflavones such as homoorientin (luteolin 6-C-glucoside) and saponarin (isovitexin 7-O-glucoside). The presence of metallothioneins (MTs) and phytochelatins (PCs) in Azolla indicates its ability to concentrate heavy metals.
How is effective is Azolla Pinnata as fertilizer compared to others?4 answersAzolla pinnata has been found to be effective as a fertilizer compared to others. It has been shown to improve soil fertility and enhance the growth and yield of terrestrial crops. In one study, Azolla pinnata green manure treatment significantly improved soil pH, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and cation exchange capacity. It also enhanced the growth performance, leaf width and length, number of ears per panicle, length of panicle ears, number of grains per panicle, and shoot dry matter production of the test crop. Another study found that Azolla pinnata had prime nutritional qualities, including high protein content, carotenoids, amino acids, antioxidants, starch, and fibers. Overall, Azolla pinnata has shown potential as an effective bio-fertilizer for improving soil fertility and enhancing crop production.
What is the trends in the use of azolla as a fertilizer?5 answersAzolla has been studied as a potential biofertilizer for various crops, including dryland vegetable crops and onion. It has been found that Azolla can provide a significant amount of nitrogen (N) to the soil, which is essential for plant growth and development. In laboratory incubation studies, Azolla biofertilizer showed high N availability compared to compost and cyanobacterial biofertilizers. Additionally, field experiments with onion crops showed that Azolla-based K application resulted in higher bulb weight and yield compared to conventional mineral K fertilization. Azolla has also been found to improve soil quality by adding organic matter and providing natural mulch. Overall, the use of Azolla as a fertilizer has shown promising results in increasing crop yield and improving soil health.
How does Azolla affect the growth performance of rice?5 answersAzolla has a positive effect on the growth performance of rice. It increases tiller number, plant height, panicle size, and 1000 grain weight, resulting in higher grain yield. Azolla also promotes root development, with longer adventitious roots observed in rice plants inoculated with Azolla. Additionally, Azolla has been found to improve the photosynthetic efficiency of rice, leading to faster growth compared to non-inoculated controls. The application of Azolla compost at different rates in the soil has shown significant increases in tiller number and spike weight, resulting in higher grain yield. This is attributed to the efficient absorption of nitrogen and other nutrients by Azolla, which promotes assimilate production and translocation in rice plants. Overall, Azolla can be considered a beneficial practice for enhancing the growth and yield of rice, particularly under water deficit conditions.

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Azotobacter, a nitrogen-fixing bacteria, plays a crucial role in the Indian market as a biofertilizer due to its eco-friendly and sustainable crop production capabilities. It is known for its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, making it a valuable resource for enhancing crop yield and promoting plant growth. Azotobacter strains are alkali and NaCl-tolerant, with the potential to improve the growth and yield of rice crops significantly, making them ideal for resource-poor farmers in regions like the Kuje Area Council. The production of Azotobacter biofertilizers involves isolating viable strains, mass production, and formulation selection, with a focus on cost-effective techniques to make them more accessible to the agricultural industry. By amplifying the nitrogen-fixing genes of Azotobacter, its efficacy as a biofertilizer can be further enhanced, benefiting farmers across India.