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How is water linked to the different sustainable development goals? 

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Water is intricately linked to various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as highlighted in the research. The SDGs encompass goals related to water availability, quality, governance, and ecosystem management. Water plays a crucial role in achieving targets such as poverty eradication, sustainable economic growth, and climate change action. The interlinkages between water-related indicators globally and in low-income countries have been measured, showing that water quality, waterborne diseases, and energy-related water are key areas for SDG achievement. Additionally, the tourism sector, which is vital for economic growth, is both dependent on and impacts water resources, emphasizing the need for sustainable water management practices within this industry. Efforts are being made to address water challenges through research, innovation, and policy integration to ensure clean water and sanitation for all by 2030 .

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Water is crucial for sustainable development goals, especially in agriculture for food production. It faces challenges like scarcity, competition, and climate change impacts, affecting various aspects of sustainability.
Water is linked to various Sustainable Development Goals by addressing clean water and sanitation targets, supporting cross-sectoral approaches, and implementing innovative solutions for global challenges.
Water is linked to various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as poverty eradication (#1), sustainable economic growth (#8), sustainable consumption (#12), resource management (#6), life beneath the sea (#14), and climate change action (#13).

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