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How lack of financial on education affects students mental health? 

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The lack of financial support in education significantly impacts students' mental health. Financial difficulties lead to feelings of shame, inadequacy, and distress, contributing to depression, anxiety, and reduced spiritual well-being among students. Research students facing financial constraints experience interruptions in their work progress, leading to mental health issues. Economic factors like poverty and debt increase the risk of mental health problems, emphasizing the impact of financial struggles on psychological well-being. College students with financial burdens face immense pressure, leading to various psychological issues such as tension, anxiety, self-esteem conflicts, and interpersonal challenges. Implementing targeted mental health education, psychological early warning systems, and positive psychological capital training can help alleviate the mental health challenges faced by financially struggling students.

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Financial difficulties in college students lead to mental stress, anxiety, self-esteem issues, interpersonal conflicts, vanity, and dependence mentality, impacting their mental health negatively.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
30 Oct 2022-The physician
1 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Financial difficulties in education can lead to mental health issues like inferiority, depression, and anxiety among students, highlighting the need for targeted mental health interventions and support systems.
Financial hardship in seminary students leads to shame, which negatively impacts mental health, including depression, anxiety, and spiritual well-being, highlighting the interconnectedness of financial struggles and mental well-being.
Lack of financial support in research students can lead to mental health issues due to interruptions in research progress, highlighting the crucial role of funding in academic well-being.

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How does financial problem affect students mental healh?5 answersFinancial problems significantly impact students' mental health by causing academic difficulties, emotional distress, and imbalanced personality development. College students facing financial difficulties not only bear economic burdens but also experience mental stress, leading to psychological issues like tension, anxiety, self-respect conflicts, and interpersonal interaction challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated financial distress among families, affecting students' psychological well-being due to changes in their learning environment, career uncertainties, and financial crises within their families. Research indicates that financial difficulties hinder research progress, leading to interruptions and mental health issues among research students, emphasizing the importance of financial support for smooth research operations. Implementing targeted mental health education, improving psychological assistance systems, and cultivating positive psychological capital are crucial in addressing the mental health challenges faced by students with financial difficulties.
How does lack of money affect students?4 answersThe lack of money affects students in various ways. Financial hardship leads to stress and negatively impacts learning activities. Students struggle to afford basic needs, such as food, clothing, and accommodation, which hinders their ability to focus and learn effectively. Additionally, the lack of pocket money affects students' self-management skills, as they face pressure to control and manage their limited funds. Social connections at university are also affected, as students are unable to participate in activities that foster learning and personal growth. Overall, the lack of money creates significant challenges for students, both directly and indirectly impacting their learning experiences and academic success.
What are the effects of financial stress on students' mental health and well-being?4 answersFinancial stress has significant negative effects on students' mental health and well-being. It is associated with increased rates of depression and anxiety symptoms, decreased sleep, and higher levels of perceived stress. Financial concerns also lead to delays in major life milestones, such as buying a car or house, getting married or starting a family, and having children. Moreover, financial stress can result in students avoiding medical and mental health care, with some experiencing health crises they cannot afford while in school. The impact of financial stress on mental health is particularly pronounced among international students, who face additional challenges related to housing and inadequate living conditions. Overall, financial stress exacerbates mental health issues and reduces well-being among students, highlighting the need for increased support, financial transparency, and access to healthcare services.
How financial affects mental health of students?4 answersFinancial difficulties have a significant impact on the mental health of students. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this issue, with job losses and salary cuts leading to increased borrowing and financial crisis for families. German university students experienced worsened financial situations during the pandemic, which were associated with increased depressive symptoms. College students with financial difficulties face academic difficulties, emotional distress, and imbalanced personality development, highlighting the need for targeted mental health education and support. Research students without financial support experience interruptions in their work progress, leading to mental health issues. Overall, the financial challenges faced by students have a detrimental effect on their mental well-being, emphasizing the need for comprehensive support systems that address both financial and mental health concerns.
How financial problem affect a students mental healts?4 answersFinancial problems can have a negative impact on a student's mental health. Students experiencing financial difficulties are more likely to report mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and stress. They also have a higher risk of engaging in self-destructive behaviors like deliberate self-harm and suicide attempts. Financial difficulties can lead to interruptions in research work and progress, causing mental health issues among research students. Longitudinal studies have shown that greater financial difficulties predict poorer mental health outcomes over time, including depression, anxiety, and alcohol dependence. College students with financial distress are at an increased risk of experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. These findings highlight the need for improved financial support, mental health services, and counseling for students facing financial difficulties to alleviate the negative impact on their mental health.
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