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How long should a patient wait from knee replacement surgery to have a root canal treatment done? 

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Patients undergoing knee replacement surgery should ideally wait for root canal treatment until after their surgical procedure. The priority for patients with severe hip or knee joint conditions is to undergo surgery within specific timeframes based on their baseline severity levels . Delays in access to specialty care, like hip and knee total joint replacement surgery, are a concern, and strategies to manage wait times can significantly reduce patient wait times in centralized intake systems . The University of Pretoria Oral Health Centre has a waiting list of approximately 18 months for completion of root canal treatments by dental students, indicating a significant waiting period for such procedures . Therefore, it is advisable for patients to prioritize their knee replacement surgery first and then plan for subsequent dental treatments like root canal procedures after the recovery from the joint replacement surgery.

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Patients at the University of Pretoria Oral Health Centre wait approximately 18 months for root canal treatment after pulpectomy, aligning with academic schedules for students to complete the procedure.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Richard Holland, Ian Harvey 
01 Apr 2003-Rheumatology
16 Citations
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Not addressed in the paper.

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