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This literature review reflects that people with dementia can influence the development of technology in regards to content, design, and even the initial idea, although the impact on how they experience their own involvement remains largely unknown.
from an experiment show how general Internet experience moderates the effects of interactive applications.
Experiments show that our implementation running on a low-end GeForce 9600GT GPU provides at least 10x speedup.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
23 Jun 2003
145 Citations
In response to a prevalent view of experience as something individual, this paper suggests how these models should grow to include social use as well.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Manuel Ujaldón, Joel H. Saltz 
07 Dec 2005
8 Citations
Execution times on the GeForce Series consistently outperform the Pentium 4 and Athlon 64 processors, with performance depending on floating-point precision.
The present study also shows that experience seeking and experience quality both have a significant positive relationship with experience value, and that experience value in turn influences behavioral intentions, providing empirical support for the conceptualization of virtual reality leisure activity for elderly people.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
May-li Seah, Paul Cairns 
01 Sep 2008
68 Citations
Overall, these studies suggest that the degree of immersive experience is closely related to how addictive or engaging people find videogames and moreover that addiction seems to be an extreme form of engagement and immersion.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
L.D. Brandon, C. Boyd, N. Govindaraju 
26 Aug 2008
41 Citations
Our results on a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX GPU indicate a significant performance improvement over the existing libraries for many input cases.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Kanupriya Gulati, Sunil P. Khatri 
08 Jun 2008
112 Citations
Our results, implemented on a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 8800 GPU card, indicate that our approach is on average 35 x faster when compared to a commercial fault simulation engine.

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What are the adverse effects of antipsychotic medications?
4 answers
Antipsychotic medications can lead to various adverse effects, including metabolic disorders like weight gain, dyslipidemia, and hyperglycemia. They are associated with increased mortality, pneumonia, cerebrovascular events, and parkinsonian symptoms in dementia patients. Cardiovascular adverse effects such as QT prolongation, orthostatic hypotension, and myocarditis are also notable concerns. Additionally, antipsychotics may contribute to a higher risk of diseases like diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disorders, impacting the lifespan of individuals with mental illnesses. Large-scale epidemiological studies have highlighted common adverse reactions to specific antipsychotics, with serious events often linked to medications like clozapine. Monitoring, individualized treatment decisions, and early withdrawal of pharmacotherapy are crucial in managing these adverse effects.
What are the most common psychological disorders that are exacerbated by digital technology?
10 answers
The proliferation of digital technology, while offering numerous benefits for communication, information access, and daily convenience, has also been linked to a range of psychological disorders. The most common psychological disorders exacerbated by digital technology include depression, anxiety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and various forms of addiction, such as pathological Internet use (PIU) and gaming disorder. Depression and anxiety have shown a significant correlation with digital technology use, particularly among teenagers and young adults. The rise of social media and the ubiquity of smartphones have been associated with increased rates of these disorders, with depressive symptoms and suicidality among adolescents doubling in the past decade. The concept of digital dementia, characterized by a decline in cognitive abilities such as memory, attention, and thinking due to overuse of technology, further underscores the impact of digital technology on mental health. Pathological Internet Use (PIU) is another disorder that has gained attention due to the compulsive need to use the internet, leading to significant psychological, social, and occupational impairment. Similarly, gaming disorder, recognized for its addictive behaviors related to internet use, has been linked to specific cognitive changes and functional and structural brain abnormalities. Moreover, the excessive screen time associated with digital technology use has been implicated in attention deficit disorders, impaired emotional and social intelligence, technology addiction, social isolation, and disrupted sleep patterns. These disorders are often exacerbated by the nature of digital interactions, which can promote impulsivity, disinhibition, and aggression. In conclusion, while digital technology remains an integral part of modern life, its overuse and misuse have been clearly linked to a range of psychological disorders, highlighting the need for balanced and mindful engagement with these tools.
What were the main reasons for the failure of the Sister City partnership between Semarang and Beihai?
5 answers
The main reasons for the failure of the Sister City partnership between Semarang and Beihai can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the lack of initiative in proposing sustainable programs and ideas for the partnership from both sides contributed to the cooperation stalling. Additionally, the absence of follow-up after signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2008 led to the cooperation coming to a halt. Furthermore, external factors such as changes in leadership policies in Beihai also played a role in hindering the continuation of the partnership. These internal and external factors collectively contributed to the unsuccessful outcome of the Sister City collaboration between Semarang and Beihai.
How does music therapy affect healing in terminally ill patients?
4 answers
Music therapy plays a significant role in the healing process of terminally ill patients by addressing various aspects of their well-being. Studies suggest that music therapy can improve patient symptoms such as anxiety, pain, and relaxation. Additionally, the combination of humor and music therapy has been shown to be effective in increasing spirituality and meaning in life for patients in palliative care. Music therapy in palliative care for cancer patients has been found to reduce psycho-emotional issues like anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, aiding in emotional therapy and the recovery process. Furthermore, music therapy, when applied in palliative care, can enhance emotional stress, mood, social interaction, and overall quality of life for terminally ill patients. Overall, music therapy serves as a valuable non-pharmacological intervention that positively impacts the well-being and healing of terminally ill individuals.
What are some commonly used psychometrically sound measures to assess social cognition in research studies?
4 answers
Commonly used psychometrically sound measures to assess social cognition in research studies include the Early Social Cognition Inventory (ESCI) for children aged 0-47 months, the Social Cognition Psychometric Evaluation (SCOPE) battery for undergraduate populations, and tasks like the Ekman and Friesen photo series, Faux Pas Recognition Test, and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index for assessing social cognition in acquired brain injury (ABI) populations. Additionally, the Story-Based Empathy Task (SET) has been proposed for assessing social cognition in mild neurocognitive disorder (mNCD) patients, showing promising features such as high face validity and applicability in neurocognitive disorders. In the context of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), measures like The Awareness of Social Inference Task (TASIT) and the hinting task have demonstrated strong internal consistency and sensitivity to group differences, making them valuable tools for assessing social cognition in adults with ASD.
2.What is the role of occupational therapy in an acute palliative care setting in the UK?
5 answers
Occupational therapy in acute palliative care settings in the UK plays a crucial role in enhancing patients' quality of life and promoting independence. Specialist palliative care occupational therapists provide essential support, facilitating safe discharges, and enabling patients to achieve their goals, even in emergency department settings. Additionally, occupational therapy interventions address a wide range of difficulties experienced by palliative patients, such as physical disabilities, cognitive deficits, and extreme fatigue, aiming to maintain or improve various bodily functions and overall well-being. By working within multidisciplinary teams, occupational therapists contribute significantly to assessing functional impairments, organizing safe transitions to home care, and ultimately optimizing patients' quality of life.
What is the role of occupational therapy in an acute palliative care setting in the UK?
5 answers
Occupational therapy in acute palliative care settings in the UK plays a crucial role in enhancing patients' quality of life and promoting independence. Specialist palliative care occupational therapists (OTs) provide support in emergency departments, facilitating patients' return home for end-of-life care and helping them achieve personal goals. These OTs contribute to continuity of care from hospital to community settings, reducing the risk of urgent discharge and supporting families in caring for their loved ones. Additionally, occupational therapy interventions aim to address physical disabilities, functional impairments, fatigue, anxiety, shortness of breath, and cognitive deficits in palliative patients, ultimately improving their well-being and promoting independence.
How does the theory of planned behavior influence vaccine uptake among individuals and communities?
5 answers
The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) significantly influences vaccine uptake among individuals and communities. TPB factors like subjective norms, attitude towards vaccination, and perceived behavioral control play crucial roles in determining vaccination intentions and behaviors. Studies show that TPB constructs explain a substantial variance in vaccination intentions. Attitude towards vaccination was found to have the strongest association with vaccination intention, followed by subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. Additionally, factors like gender, age, vaccine-related knowledge, past vaccination behavior, and social norms influence individuals' decisions to get vaccinated. These findings emphasize the importance of incorporating TPB principles in public health strategies to enhance vaccine acceptance and uptake in both individuals and communities.
What are the tools to measure user interface and interactions?
4 answers
Various tools and methods are available to measure user interface and interactions. MIGTool is a tool that transforms user interface behavior models into graphs to analyze usage scenarios and interaction paths efficiently. Bibliometric analysis tools and CiteSpace software are used to study interface usability trends and hotspots, providing insights for interface design. UI usage measurement systems monitor interactions, analyze GUI usage, and offer recommendations for optimizing user access to frequently used elements. UI action capture code captures and analyzes user interface actions within the same view of an application interface, aiding in understanding user interactions across multiple devices. Additionally, recorders for capturing interaction data in real-time enable graphical reporting of user interactions with graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
How spatial multitasking is possible in GPUs?
5 answers
Spatial multitasking in GPUs is achieved through innovative runtime systems like C-Laiusand CPSpatial. These systems carefully allocate computation resources to co-located applications, maximizing throughput while ensuring Quality of Service (QoS) for user-facing services. By allowing the co-location of multiple applications on GPUs, these systems significantly improve accelerator utilization. Additionally, Camelot introduces contention-aware resource allocation policies for GPU microservices, optimizing resource utilization and maintaining QoS. Long-term reliability management for spatial multitasking GPUs is addressed by considering electromigration-induced failures in the power delivery network, leading to the development of reliability-aware thread block schedulers that enhance reliability without compromising performance. These advancements showcase how spatial multitasking is made possible in GPUs through efficient resource allocation, innovative scheduling mechanisms, and reliability-focused design considerations.
What is the current state of research on using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for autism detection?
5 answers
Current research on using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for autism detection shows promising results. Studies have highlighted the effectiveness of CNNs in accurately classifying autism spectrum disorder (ASD) based on various datasets. CNNs have been utilized to create image-alike connectivity matrices that enhance connections related to connectivity alterations in the autistic brain, leading to accurate predictions of up to 96%. Additionally, the performance of neural network models, including CNNs, has been found to significantly improve when utilizing GPU resources compared to CPU, enhancing accuracy in classifying ASD based on face images. These advancements in utilizing CNNs for ASD detection showcase the potential for early and accurate diagnosis of this neurodevelopmental disorder.