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In early glaucoma, both laser and medical treatment were cost-effective (ICERs of initial laser and initial medical treatment over observation only, were R$ 2,811.39/QALY and R$ 3,450.47/QALY).
conclusion Laser skin resurfacing is an evolving means of treating photodamaged skin.
In summary, the pulsed dye laser is an effective therapy for the treatment of superficial skin lesions in LE.
Light or laser therapies have the potential to be an efficient and cost‐effective in‐office based treatment for nail psoriasis.
Fractional laser skin treatment is associated with a relatively low complication rate.
By using conservative fluences, longer pulse durations and multiple treatments, safe and effective laser‐assisted hair removal is possible for darker skin types.
Non-ablative fractional laser skin treatment has a relatively low complication rate.
In summary, laser therapy offers an alternative treatment option for nonmelanoma skin cancer; however, its clinical efficacy is variable and, at this time, remains less than currently accepted standards of care.
Therefore, any laser therapy should be planned carefully, especially in the treatment of patients with darker skin types.
Open accessJournal Article
Elizabeth L. Tanzi, Tina S. Alster 
01 Jan 2004-Cutis
26 Citations
Therefore, thorough patient preoperative preparation and education regarding the risks of cutaneous laser surgery will remain an essential aspect of treatment in patients with darker skin tones.

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How do ambiguous symptoms affect cancer diagnosis?
4 answers
Ambiguous symptoms in cancer diagnosis pose challenges as they often overlap with benign conditions, leading to delayed diagnoses. Patients with vague or non-specific symptoms, such as cough, fatigue, or abdominal pain, face a low likelihood of cancer detection initially, resulting in delayed referrals and potential emergency presentations. Studies show that individuals assess their symptoms based on perceived cancer risks, drawing from lifestyle factors, family history, and symptomatic experiences to determine the likelihood of cancer. Rapid Diagnosis Centers (RDCs) have emerged as a solution to expedite the diagnostic process for patients with ambiguous symptoms, significantly reducing the time to diagnosis and improving cost-effectiveness when run efficiently. Mental health disorders can also influence cancer perceptions, with symptoms like anxiety and depression correlating with negative views on cancer fatalism and communication ambiguity.
How to increase engagement in questionnaires?
4 answers
To increase engagement in questionnaires, various strategies can be employed based on research findings. Providing comprehensive feedback to participants can enhance engagement. Incentives like monetary rewards, teaser comments on envelopes, and interesting questionnaire topics can double response rates. Personalizing addresses, including cash incentives, and sending repeated follow-up mailings have been effective in increasing response rates. Additionally, including a study-logo pen or pencil in a second questionnaire mailing to nonrespondents has shown to be a cost-effective method of boosting response rates. Moreover, strategies like resending complete questionnaires to non-responders and making follow-up phone calls can significantly improve engagement and address biases in responses. By implementing these evidence-based approaches, engagement in questionnaires can be effectively increased.
How does hyperpigmentation develop under the arms?
5 answers
Hyperpigmentation under the arms can develop due to various reasons such as sclerotherapy procedures, intravenous chemotherapy, drug side effects, and medication-induced skin changes. Sclerotherapy can lead to post-injection hyperpigmentation, while intravenous chemotherapy like cisplatin and pemetrexed can cause serpentine supravenous hyperpigmentation. Additionally, prolonged use of medications like quinine can result in hyperpigmentation, and drugs like amiodarone can lead to skin discoloration. Even cyclosporine therapy for immune disorders can induce hyperpigmentation on the arms. These diverse factors highlight the multifaceted nature of hyperpigmentation development under the arms, emphasizing the importance of understanding the underlying causes for effective management and treatment.
How do different types of collaborations and shared goals impact the effectiveness of achieving impactful outcomes?
5 answers
Different types of collaborations and shared goals play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of achieving impactful outcomes. Collaborations, whether internal, domestic, or international, influence research productivity and impact in academia. Partnerships, especially with diverse strategic partners guided by theories of change, are essential for outcome-focused research, fostering societal change. Collaborations with various partners, such as government agencies and universities, significantly enhance the reach and impact of research, as evidenced by the Canadian Forest Service's experience. Framing collaborations as partnerships and integrating research and learning aims with community-driven agendas are vital for impactful and sustainable service-learning initiatives in higher education. Therefore, diverse collaborations and shared goals are key factors in driving impactful outcomes across various sectors.
What is deterrence theory related to fisheries?
5 answers
Deterrence theory in fisheries focuses on influencing compliance behavior through the expectation of punishment or rewards. It aims to deter illegal fishing activities by emphasizing the certainty and severity of sanctions as key factors in promoting adherence to regulations. The effectiveness of deterrence strategies is influenced by factors such as legitimacy, enforcement efforts, and evasion activities. In the context of transboundary fisheries, deterrence theory can be applied to analyze the strategic use of effort subsidies to deter foreign entry into fisheries. By understanding the dynamics of deterrence in fisheries management, policymakers can develop more effective compliance policies and enforcement mechanisms to ensure sustainable exploitation of fish stocks.
How effective are alternative forms of treatment, such as caring for love, in addressing substance abuse issues?
5 answers
Alternative forms of treatment, such as complementary alternative and integrative medicine (CAIM) modalities, show promise in addressing substance abuse issues. Mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) like meditation have proven effective in alleviating symptoms associated with substance use disorders (SUDs). Additionally, effective substance abuse treatment emphasizes the importance of therapeutic relationships, flexibility, negotiation, and motivation enhancement, which can significantly impact treatment efficacy. Moreover, research indicates that trauma is prevalent among individuals with substance abuse problems, highlighting the need for holistic approaches that consider the impact of trauma on addiction. These findings suggest that incorporating alternative treatments, such as mindfulness practices and focusing on therapeutic relationships, can enhance traditional substance abuse interventions and improve outcomes for individuals struggling with substance abuse issues.
What are the economic costs associated with suicide mortality in Latin America?
5 answers
Estimates of the economic costs associated with suicide mortality in Latin America reveal significant impacts. Studies show that suicide rates in countries like Ecuador and Chile have been on the rise, with economic factors playing a crucial role. In Ecuador, the economic loss due to suicide over a 15-year period was estimated at $852.6 million, highlighting the substantial financial burden associated with suicide. Similarly, in Chile, a strong correlation between GDP and suicide rates was observed, indicating the influence of economic conditions on suicide trends. Additionally, research in Brazil emphasized the negative impact of income inequality and unemployment on suicide rates, particularly affecting the younger population segment. These findings underscore the complex interplay between economic variables and suicide mortality in Latin America.
What is the cost effectiveness of solar powered lighting?
5 answers
Solar powered lighting systems have shown significant cost-effectiveness compared to traditional systems. Studies indicate that solar powered LED street lights can result in substantial energy savings, with a potential of up to 60% compared to conventional systems. Additionally, the economic analysis of a solar powered hybrid system for public street lighting demonstrates a payback period of three years, with significant electricity cost savings and reduced CO2 emissions over a 25-year period. Furthermore, the feasibility study on solar street lighting highlights the economic advantages of utilizing solar energy, despite the initial higher installation costs, showcasing the potential for long-term cost savings and sustainability. Overall, solar powered lighting systems offer a promising solution for cost-effective and environmentally friendly lighting options.
What are the most effective strategies for optimizing the transportation of modular components?
5 answers
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Why Different outpatient physios use different treatments for the same minor injuries?
5 answers
Different outpatient physiotherapists may utilize varying treatments for the same minor injuries due to factors such as the institutional context, patient needs, and the physiotherapists' knowledge base and experience. In the study by La Ferla et al., outpatient care for minor burns was found to be effective, highlighting the importance of considering circumstances when choosing between inpatient and outpatient treatment. Additionally, the study by Vicente Baños emphasized the diversity in physical therapy treatments for muscular injuries, indicating that different authors propose various intervention protocols without significant differences in outcomes. Furthermore, Irgens et al. discussed how physiotherapists in primary care face challenges in balancing interventions to improve movement quality versus enabling patients to identify coping strategies, reflecting the need for individualized approaches in outpatient settings.
What are the current legislative research bills being proposed in the United States Congress?
5 answers
The current legislative research bills being proposed in the United States Congress encompass a variety of areas. One bill aims to ban all human-cloning research, impacting not only cloning but research in general. Another bill focuses on enhancing cosmetics regulation, requiring full ingredient disclosure, safety assessments, and recalls of unsafe products. Additionally, a bill calls for investigations into the cost-effectiveness of new drugs compared to existing treatments, potentially allocating $75 million for such evaluations. Furthermore, there are proposals to reduce the age at which reservists can receive retirement benefits, highlighting the ongoing discussions on reserve retirement reform. These bills reflect the diverse legislative efforts underway in the U.S. Congress across various research and regulatory domains.