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How much does it cost to build an AI robot? 

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However, the computational cost of such an optimization scales poorly as the number of potential robot actions increases.
The low-cost and small size will enable more research groups to perform multi-robot experiments on physical hardware.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Daniel A. Lazewatsky, William D. Smart 
09 May 2011
26 Citations
We also show how the robot can be used as a low-cost telepresence platform, giving the system a concrete purpose beyond being a low-cost development platform.
Design flexibility, ease of fabrication, and low cost make the robot suitable as an agent for swarm objectives.
This study presents a methodology to tackle robot tasks in a cost-efficient way.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Guido Bugmann, Mel Siegel, Rachel Burcin 
10 Nov 2011
28 Citations
These may require new approaches to the design of robots, robot-using systems and IT systems that employ methods of robotics and AI.
We show that the fabrication cost of the single-use robot does not increase the operation expenses drastically.

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