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How to convert all magnitude scale to Mw scale in indian territory? 

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To convert all magnitude scales to the moment magnitude (Mw) scale in Indian territory, one can utilize regression relationships and scaling equations derived from seismic data. Different studies have highlighted the importance of standardizing earthquake magnitude estimation. Specifically, utilizing regression methodologies like generalized orthogonal regression (GOR) and standard least-square regression (SLR) can help establish relationships between various magnitude scales and Mw. Additionally, the use of global optimization techniques like Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) has shown promising results in deriving new magnitude scales with improved accuracy. By incorporating these methodologies and relationships, seismic hazard assessment and earthquake-related studies in Indian territory can benefit from a standardized Mw scale for consistent and reliable magnitude estimations.

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The study highlights the bias in seismic hazard analysis due to magnitude scaling equations. Converting all magnitude scales to Mw in Indian territory requires robust scaling equations based on statistical foundations.
The paper derived a new ML-MW relationship for local magnitudes above 2.5 in the Eastern Dharwar Craton: MW α 0.9224*ML. This can be used to convert local magnitudes to Mw scale in Indian territory.
Regional earthquake magnitude conversion relations for the Himalayan seismic belt provide conversion factors to transform various scales (Ms, mb, ML, MD) to Mw, aiding in standardizing earthquake magnitudes in Indian territory.

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