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How to enhance citizen participation? 

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Citizen participation can be enhanced by addressing both the institutional and personal factors that affect willingness and abilities to participate. Municipalities play a crucial role in enhancing citizen participation by addressing instrumental-processual factors, such as providing platforms for citizen engagement and participation . Participative management, small group activities, and community policing are effective strategies for fostering citizen participation . Participatory smartphone apps can also empower citizens to interact with the city's administration and report problems, while gamification elements can further enhance engagement and motivation . Alternative participation forms that are more informal and less intensive can be more suitable for a broader range of citizens, particularly underrepresented groups . Additionally, communication of participation results, targeted invitations, and raising awareness about citizen participation can contribute to a sense of impact, responsibility, and familiarity among citizens .

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The paper suggests that to enhance citizen participation, municipalities should focus on creating real possibilities for citizens to influence decision-making processes and address societal, personal, and instrumental-processual factors that affect citizens' willingness and abilities to participate.
The paper does not provide specific methods to enhance citizen participation. It only mentions that participatory smartphone apps can empower citizens to interact with the city's administration.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
23 Oct 2016
17 Citations
The paper discusses enhancing citizen participation through the use of gamification elements in a web-based and mobile platform called TAB Sharing.
The paper does not provide specific information on how to enhance citizen participation. The paper discusses the importance of citizen participation and the use of small group activities and community policing as methods to engage citizens.
Open accessDissertation
01 Jan 2021
The paper suggests that enhancing citizen participation can be achieved by using alternative, informal, and less intensive participation forms, as well as by increasing communication of participation results and targeting specific citizens for active and personal invitations.

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