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It illustrates that success in the future is dependent on the role of the entrepreneur in being able to create ideas, form ventures and assess markets.
We find that the desire to become an entrepreneur is basically determined by individual and household characteristics, including income and asset indicators, and not as much by the current job situation of the individual.
Work and previous self-employment experience is more important than formal education for the likelihood of being a nascent entrepreneur.
Journal ArticleDOI
Ivar Kolstad, Arne Wiig 
68 Citations
This is consistent with theoretical arguments that primary schooling provides a generalised form of competence that underpins the variety of skills an entrepreneur needs to succeed in business.
Locus of control, self efficacy and intention to become an entrepreneur were validated for respondents who had some business background, indicating the relevance of business experience.
Journal ArticleDOI
Ian Deamer, Louise Earle 
48 Citations
The authors argue that entrepreneurship is a multidimensional construct and that EMAQ can give insight into whether a person might succeed as an entrepreneur.
It places the entrepreneur at the forefront of the Transitional Economy and identifies the entrepreneur as a catalyst for change and progress.

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How non normative countries act in internatinal relations?
5 answers
Non-normative countries in international relations often challenge established norms and regulations. These countries may reject or believe they are outside the influence of existing norms and regimes, leading to non-conformity. The concept of norm entrepreneurship has been traditionally associated with actors from the Global North, but recent studies highlight the need to de-moralize this concept and recognize various forms of norm entrepreneurial actions, including confrontational approaches. The participation of non-state actors in global governance is seen as a means to address legitimacy deficits. The non-intervention norm, a foundational norm in international relations, governs inter-state behavior but faces challenges due to ambiguity and contestation, especially regarding humanitarian interventions. Despite the importance of studying deviance in understanding societal norms, the study of deviance in international relations has been limited due to theoretical and metatheoretical reasons.
Why smaw strand has more students in preferring a track?
5 answers
The preference for the SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) strand among students can be attributed to various factors identified in the research. Studies have shown that students' track and strand preferences are influenced by factors such as socio-economic status, parent's occupation, family influence, peer influence, and interest in job opportunities. Additionally, the research highlights that students' career choices are significantly impacted by their parents' educational attainment. Moreover, the study emphasizes the importance of career advocacy for both parents and students to provide proper guidance in making track selections. These findings suggest that a combination of personal interest, family background, and external influences play a crucial role in students opting for the SMAW track in senior high school.
What is the level of Person Deprive of Liberty 's Economic Sustainability in terms of Sustaining basic need?
5 answers
The level of economic sustainability for individuals deprived of liberty in terms of sustaining basic needs is crucial for promoting justice and human development. Various frameworks and models, such as the Capability Approach by Amartya Sen, emphasize the importance of psychosocial factors and individual empowerment in accessing freedoms for sustainable human development. Additionally, research on basic needs provision and economic freedomhighlights the significant relationship between wealth measures and basic needs outcomes. State obligations to fulfill basic needs, especially during crises like the Covid-19 pandemic, underscore the necessity of ensuring uninterrupted supply lines for food, clothing, and shelter. By addressing economic policies and promoting public-private partnerships in basic needs provision, societies can enhance the economic sustainability of individuals deprived of liberty while upholding principles of justice and sustainability.
What is the level of person deprived of liberty's economic sustainability in terms of sustaining basic need?
5 answers
The economic sustainability of a person deprived of liberty in terms of sustaining basic needs is a critical aspect influenced by various factors. Research highlights the importance of economic freedom in meeting basic needs, emphasizing the significance of economic policy decisions in ensuring basic needs provision. Additionally, during challenging times like the Covid-19 pandemic, the ability of the State to cater to basic needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter, becomes crucial. Furthermore, the concept of deprivation of basic needs extends beyond just physical necessities to include cultural goods and leisure activities, indicating a broader perspective on sustaining well-being. Overall, addressing the economic sustainability of individuals deprived of liberty requires a comprehensive approach that considers economic freedom, state capacity, and a holistic view of basic needs provision.
What is the level of person deprived of liberty's economic sustainability in terms of sustaining basic needs?
5 answers
The economic sustainability of a person deprived of liberty in terms of sustaining basic needs is a complex issue. Research suggests that deprivation of liberty can lead to harm or damage, necessitating compensation based on civil law principles. Additionally, the lack of basic needs can generate social or individual vulnerabilities, highlighting the importance of economic approaches that consider new indices of sustainability and human values. Furthermore, the relationship between economic growth and the equitable provision of basic human needs in poor areas is debated, with some arguing that improvements in basic welfare and economic performance are mutually reinforcing processes. Overall, addressing the economic sustainability of individuals deprived of liberty requires a comprehensive understanding of their basic needs and the potential vulnerabilities arising from their situation.
What is the correlation between financial literacy and academic performance among students?
5 answers
Financial literacy plays a crucial role in influencing various aspects of students' lives, including academic performance. Studies have shown that financial literacy positively impacts business performance among university entrepreneurial students. Additionally, research on college students indicates a significant relationship between financial literacy and student characteristics. Furthermore, efforts to enhance financial literacy among young people, including university students, have been recognized as a priority by governments and educational institutions. However, findings from a study across 15 countries suggest that financial education is still in its early stages and may not significantly improve young people's ability to apply financial skills in real-world scenarios. Therefore, while financial literacy is essential for students, its direct correlation with academic performance may vary based on the specific context and educational interventions.
How effective are game-based learning methods in teaching entrepreneurial skills?
5 answers
Game-based learning methods have proven to be highly effective in teaching entrepreneurial skills. Studies have shown that utilizing "business games" in entrepreneurship courses stimulates learning, with 90% of students benefiting from this active methodology. Additionally, serious games in entrepreneurship education have been found to enhance students' attitudes, perceived control, and overall entrepreneurial intention, showcasing a positive impact on learning outcomes. Furthermore, the use of gamification in teaching entrepreneurship has been linked to a significant increase in entrepreneurial intention among students, particularly those in the first quartile of entrepreneurial intention. Implementing playful strategies, such as online tailor-made card games, has also been successful in developing entrepreneurial competencies and increasing student engagement in higher education settings. Integrating game-based learning into Entrepreneurship Education Programs has shown promising results in fostering entrepreneurial orientation and productivity among university students.
Why is branding important in a business?
5 answers
Branding is crucial in business as it differentiates products, attracts consumers, and enhances market competitiveness. A strong brand influences marketing strategies, customer loyalty, and brand awareness, ultimately expanding the client base. In B2B markets, branding plays a vital role by creating differentiation, establishing value, and building emotional associations with customers. In the digital era, branding is essential for businesses to adapt to changing communication patterns and consumer behaviors driven by technology. Marketing, especially in competitive markets like Serbia, emphasizes the significance of brand management for business success and global competitiveness. Overall, branding is a strategic tool that not only sets products apart but also fosters customer relationships, market presence, and overall business growth.
How does cultural organizational structure affect the innovation processes within technology companies?
5 answers
Cultural organizational structure significantly influences innovation processes within technology companies. Research indicates that organizational culture plays a crucial role in promoting or inhibiting innovation. Different types of organizational cultures, such as market culture and hierarchical culture, impact the innovation strategies adopted by medium and large companies. Additionally, a supportive organizational culture is deemed essential for fostering innovation within an organization, providing a competitive advantage and facilitating sustainable growth. Moreover, the right cultural context is highlighted as pivotal for enabling organizations to become innovative and entrepreneurial, emphasizing the importance of culture in driving organizational innovation. Therefore, an innovative organizational culture, characterized by factors like tolerance for mistakes, continuous learning, and open communication, is vital for enhancing the innovation capacity of technology companies.
How will advancements in technology impact the texture fashion trends in the coming years?
4 answers
Advancements in technology are poised to revolutionize the textile and fashion industry in the near future. Research highlights the significant impact of investments in digital technologies like cloud computing, automation, and machine learning on companies' digital transformation, enabling faster response to market demands and enhancing supply chain efficiency. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies allows for personalized fashion experiences, trend identification based on user preferences, and improved fabric design, ultimately boosting the economy of fabrics. Moreover, the adoption of Information Communication Techniques (ICT) has spurred entrepreneurship in the textile and fashion sectors, contributing to the positive growth of the industry. Overall, the synergy between technology and fashion is set to drive innovation, efficiency, and consumer engagement in the evolving textile landscape.
What is the latest statistic on the contribution of small businesses to the Philippine economy?
5 answers
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in the Philippine economy, contributing significantly to employment, value-added, exports, and entrepreneurial activities. These businesses make up a substantial portion of the country's business establishments, with SMEs accounting for 99.57% of all businesses. Furthermore, micro-enterprises, a subset of SMEs, are vital contributors to economic development, providing a large share of employment and economic activity in the country. The Philippines has also seen a growing startup scene, attracting investors and showing potential for economic growth. However, despite these positive trends, there are challenges such as regulatory burdens and the need for technological advancements to enhance competitiveness. Overall, SMEs continue to be key drivers of the Philippine economy, emphasizing the importance of supporting their growth and development.