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How to identify micronuclear dysfunction? 

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Micronuclear dysfunction can be identified through various methods. One approach is the use of the micronucleus technique, which involves measuring chromosomal damage in mitogen-stimulated human lymphocytes. This technique can be performed using two different methods. The first method involves pulse-labeling lymphocytes with [3H]thymidine and identifying cells that have undergone their first mitosis through autoradiography. Micronuclei can then be scored in these cells . The second method involves blocking cytokinesis using cytochalasin B, which allows for the easy recognition and scoring of micronuclei in cytokinesis-blocked cells . Additionally, computer detection and counting techniques using digital image processing and pattern recognition have been developed, enabling automated detection and quantification of micronuclei configurations . The presence of micronuclei in a cell can indicate DNA damage and genetic instability, and the morphological and functional varieties of micronuclei can be determined by the chromosomal material localized inside these structures . Micronuclei play a role in chromosomal instability and can lead to gene loss, and damaged DNA in micronuclei can induce a defective cell cycle checkpoint arrest and DNA repair response .

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Micronuclear dysfunction can be identified by compromised integrity of the micronuclear envelope, delayed or disrupted DNA replication, inhibited DNA repair, and exposure of micronuclear DNA to the cytoplasm.
The paper does not provide specific information on how to identify micronuclear dysfunction.
Journal ArticleDOI
19 May 2016-Biochemistry
40 Citations
The paper does not provide specific information on how to identify micronuclear dysfunction.
Journal ArticleDOI
Michael Fenech, Alexander A. Morley 
01 Feb 1985-Mutation Research
1.7K Citations
The paper does not provide information on how to identify micronuclear dysfunction.

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