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Our work adds to a large body of research on how software developers spend their time.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Nguyen, Duesterwald, Klinger, Santhanam 
01 Jan 2012
6 Citations
We argue that our automated developer expertise ranking can be beneficial in the planning of a software project and is applicable beyond software support in the other phases of the software lifecycle.
This study demonstrates how a sustainable development focus can be integrated into a traditional software engineering course.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
10 May 2008
114 Citations
We propose a model that, by combining traditional contribution metrics with data mined from software repositories, can deliver accurate developer contribution measurements.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Minghui Zhou, Audris Mockus 
07 Nov 2010
90 Citations
By studying developer fluency we contribute by determining dimensions along which developer expertise is acquired, finding ways to measure them, and quantifying the trajectories of developer learning.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
16 May 2015
6 Citations
We find that the extent to which a person acquired the relevant skills through informal methods tends to be higher if the person is a free/libre/open source code contributor, while being a professional software developer does not have this effect.
This paper argues that existing large-scale software developer surveys are inadequate for measuring the relative importance of these three factors.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
Fabian Fagerholm, Max Pagels 
26 May 2014
13 Citations
It may also help researchers to study models of software developer experience and value systems.

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How to deal with outliers?
5 answers
Dealing with outliers involves various strategies depending on the context. Individuals tend to discount outlying values, aligning with statistical recommendations even for non-Gaussian distributions. In computer vision, addressing out-of-distribution data requires refining probability distributions to avoid assigning high confidence to outliers, enhancing system reliability. In ecology, handling extreme observations is crucial to avoid misinterpretations that could impact decision-making in environmental management programs. For practical applications like the perspective-n-point approach, utilizing soft re-weighting mechanisms and 1-point RANSAC schemes can effectively handle outliers, improving accuracy and speed in PnP solutions. Detecting outliers involves visual and statistical methods like box plots and inter-quartile range calculations, crucial for identifying extreme values in datasets.
How to make the purpose of the study?
5 answers
The purpose of a study can be formulated by clearly defining the main objective and goal of the research. This can involve identifying the specific problem or phenomenon to be investigated and outlining the scope and focus of the study. Additionally, it is essential to establish the significance and relevance of the research topic to the field of study or to society in general. Furthermore, the purpose should also encompass the intended outcomes or contributions that the study aims to make to existing knowledge or practices. By setting a clear purpose, researchers can guide their efforts and ensure that the study remains focused and impactful.
What are the current challenges faced by students in understanding and implementing effective budgeting strategies?
5 answers
Students face challenges in understanding and implementing effective budgeting strategies due to various factors. These challenges include difficulties in managing time effectively, balancing family, work, and studies, estimating the required study time, and lacking awareness of retention strategies. Additionally, students encounter cognitive challenges that impact their learning processes, such as attention, concentration, and memorization management. Learning-focused teaching must consider these cognitive challenges, as identified in a conceptual framework outlining nine interacting cognitive challenges faced by students. Moreover, the economic environment adds pressure on fiscal and budgetary policies to avoid irresponsible government behavior and reduce economic vulnerability, emphasizing the need for sustainable economic development through adequate economic measures. These challenges highlight the importance of addressing time management, cognitive processes, and economic conditions to enhance students' budgeting skills.
ISO's guidelines in the ISO/IEC 27037:2012 cloning or imaging a system for forensics or incident response
5 answers
ISO/IEC 27037:2012 provides guidelines for digital forensics, including cloning or imaging a system for forensics or incident response. This standard is crucial in ensuring the quality of evidence collection. Additionally, the integration of NIST SP 800-101 Rev.1:2014 with ISO/IEC 27037:2012 offers a comprehensive approach to digital forensic investigations, enhancing the understanding and benefits for forensic investigators, organizations, and jurisdictions. Furthermore, the development of an Integrated Incident Response Model (IIRM) based on ISO guidelines aids in database forensic investigations, linking incidents/suspects to digital crimes effectively. Overall, these guidelines and frameworks play a significant role in maintaining the integrity of digital evidence and facilitating efficient forensic processes in both crime scenes and database investigations.
What are the mechinery used to manufacture automobiles?
5 answers
Various machinery and systems are crucial in the manufacturing of automobiles. Mechatronics plays a significant role in integrating mechanical processes, microelectronics, and information processing for process design and automatic control. In the context of engine cooling systems, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is utilized to analyze and optimize radiator designs for efficient heat dissipation. Additionally, as the automotive industry transitions towards electric vehicles (EVs) and more electric aircraft (MEA), thermal management technologies are essential for handling high heat flux from electronic components onboard, with methods such as forced air cooling, cold plate cooling, heat pipes, and phase change materials being employed. These diverse technologies and systems collectively contribute to the efficient and reliable manufacturing of automobiles.
Do leaders who promote transparent communication increase overall productivity?
4 answers
Leaders who promote transparent communication have a significant impact on overall productivity. Transparent communication by leaders enhances employee engagement, performance, and reputation perceptions within organizations. It fosters job engagement, willingness to adopt accommodative stances, and inspires greater workplace performance. Additionally, leader behavioral integrity, which is closely linked to transparent communication, positively influences follower work engagement and performance, creating a chain effect that boosts productivity. Authentic leadership, characterized by openness, clarity, and integrity, plays a crucial role in financial communication transparency, further emphasizing the importance of transparent leadership in driving organizational success and productivity. Overall, leaders who prioritize transparent communication create a conducive environment for enhanced engagement, performance, and productivity within their teams and organizations.
What are the benefits of using theoretical frameworks in research?
5 answers
The benefits of using theoretical frameworks in research are manifold. Theoretical frameworks provide a structured foundation for studies, guiding researchers in formulating hypotheses, interpreting findings, and understanding the significance of their work. They help researchers situate their work within existing knowledge, facilitating the building and sharing of knowledge across disciplines. Theoretical frameworks also enhance the explanatory power of research by offering a lens through which to view the research design from start to finish. Additionally, theoretical frameworks aid in creating coherence in studies, incorporating relevant literature, explaining the study's importance, guiding testing procedures, and aiding in result interpretation. Overall, theoretical frameworks play a crucial role in advancing research by providing a solid theoretical underpinning for investigations, ensuring methodological alignment, and contributing to the cumulative growth of knowledge in various fields.
What is open source collaboration in software development?
5 answers
Open source collaboration in software development refers to the cooperative efforts of developers working on interdependent modules to create a cohesive whole within an open source software ecosystem. This collaboration involves sharing tasks, discussing, and completing them, as seen in orgsOSS projects. Developers collaborate on various project files, with test files showing the highest degree of collaboration, possibly due to the critical nature of functionality tests. In open source software ecosystems, developers from different projects collaborate to fix cross-project bugs, with distinct responsibilities allocated between upstream and downstream members, such as problem-finders and decision-makers. The decentralized nature of open source software development allows for large-scale collaborative work, enabling the study of evolving dependencies, developer networks, and success dynamics over time within the ecosystem.
Which dating app was found to be applying seeding techniques to the people?
4 answers
The dating app found to be applying seeding techniques to the people was Grindr. Research conducted on popular location-based dating apps, including Grindr, Jack'd, and Hornet, revealed that Grindr utilized a model called colluding-trilateration to locate targeted victims effectively and efficiently, even when the "show distance" function was disabled. This method allowed for the location of victims without sophisticated hacking techniques, using information available to any ordinary user, thus raising privacy concerns among users of such apps. Furthermore, the study emphasized the importance of understanding how online-recruited seeds, like those in Grindr, can impact respondent-driven sampling (RDS) implementation, highlighting the value of geosocial networking apps in aiding recruitment efforts and creating a more diverse sample.
What are the latest philosophical papers on scrolling?
5 answers
The latest philosophical papers on scrolling encompass diverse areas beyond traditional philosophy. One such paper introduces Scrolls, a frequency-tunable smart surface system enhancing multi-network coverage across various frequencies. Another paper discusses SCROLL, a system aiding users in capturing, reviewing, reflecting, and reusing learning logs for ubiquitous learning. Additionally, a study presents the Scroll system as a microparticulate delivery system for enhanced drug delivery across the skin, showing superior permeation and effectiveness of drugs delivered through this system. Furthermore, a paper introduces SCROLL (SCala ROles Language), a pattern for implementing role-based objects in programming languages like Scala, enabling dynamic views and adaptability in software systems. These papers collectively showcase the philosophical implications of scrolling in various technological and educational contexts.
How does graph theory analysis help in understanding group interaction patterns?
5 answers
Graph theory analysis aids in comprehending group interaction patterns by providing a structured framework to analyze the dynamics within social systems. By representing interactions as complex networks, higher-order network representations can capture group interactions involving multiple individuals, shedding light on how groups form, evolve, and disband over time. Utilizing graph analytics, such as centrality and community detection, enables the identification of key individuals within groups who can influence and facilitate interactions, enhancing the overall learning experience. Additionally, graph neural networks can model implicit and explicit behaviors of all group members, improving tasks like backchannel detection in group conversations. Overall, graph theory analysis offers a powerful tool to delve into the intricate dynamics of group interactions and understand the underlying mechanisms governing social systems.