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How to process precise leveling data to determine subsidence? 

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To process precise leveling data for subsidence determination, several steps can be followed. First, preprocess the original data by matching point clouds and segmenting pavement points . Next, interpolate pavement points into a regular grid for easier comparison . Then, smooth the pavement point cloud data using Gaussian kernel convolution to enhance accuracy in comparison . Finally, calculate the height differences to identify subsidence areas and compare them against a threshold value for detection . Additionally, comparing subsidence rates obtained from precise leveling with those from Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) techniques can provide valuable insights into subsidence patterns in urban areas .

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Precise leveling data for subsidence determination involves measuring geodetic-grade bolts on building foundations and comparing them to SAR data processed using a PSI algorithm.
Process precise leveling data by preprocessing, grid interpolation, Gaussian kernel smoothing, and height difference calculation to detect subcentimeter-level subsidence in urban roads using mobile laser scanner data.
Precise leveling data for subsidence determination can be processed using techniques like Post Processed Static (PPS) and Precise Point Positioning (PPP) with accuracies around 2 cm.
Precise leveling data is processed to determine subsidence rates by comparing elevation measurements over time, aiding in identifying areas undergoing land surface deformation, as shown in the study.
Process precise leveling data by combining it with PSI results using cokriging technique to quantify subsidence, as done in central Taiwan to monitor land deformation accurately.

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