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How to select the dimensions for designign a hydrodynamic fiber alignment machine? 

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To design a hydrodynamic fiber alignment machine, dimensions must be carefully selected. The dimensions of grooves in a substrate structure can be crucial. Additionally, the use of converging streamlines in fluid dynamics can aid in aligning fibers parallel to the main fluid stream. Furthermore, the tension on the fiber, controlled by brake means and idler rolls, is essential for consistent winding of fiber optic filaments. In the case of UHPC elements, the alignment of steel fibers is impacted by the flow properties and placement methods, emphasizing the need for quality control methods to assess fiber distribution and alignment. Lastly, a fiber alignment apparatus with a movable nickel leaf spring and fixed pocket can capture and lock arrays of single-mode fibers into position.

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Chen Yu, Luo Xiao, Hualun Chen 
04 Jun 2014
1 Citations
The dimensions for designing a hydrodynamic fiber alignment machine are determined by setting widths and depths of grooves according to fiber diameters, allowing precise control and mass production using integrated circuit processing.
The paper discusses using 3D and 2D imaging techniques to characterize fiber alignment in UHPC. Consider geometric effects and normalization when comparing alignment factors for machine design.
The method proposed in the paper utilizes converging streamlines in nearly irrotational flow to align fibers parallel to the main fluid stream, suggesting dimensions based on fluid-dynamic forces.
The machine in the paper winds fiber optic filaments on a compliant mandrel for hydrophones. Dimensions are selected by adjusting mandrel rotation, traversing speed, and reel drag for desired characteristics.
Not addressed in the paper.

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