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Study results indicate that the majority of C&E professionals displayed a strong cognitive and affective identification with their career in the C&E industry.
The results indicate that career competencies have moderately positive relation with career success.
Furthermore, there is a positive relationship between skill development and career development.
Career ladders for CPhTs may be a viable option.
There are associations between early career skill measures and career outcomes.
Our results also shed lights on the potential approaches to improving developer retention.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Minghui Zhou, Audris Mockus 
07 Nov 2010
90 Citations
By studying developer fluency we contribute by determining dimensions along which developer expertise is acquired, finding ways to measure them, and quantifying the trajectories of developer learning.

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What are the current methods used for quality control in the ceramic industry?
5 answers
Current methods for quality control in the ceramic industry include statistical process control using control charts and cost analysis, attributive characteristics assessment for defect identification and corrective actions, systematic control of powder material characteristics before forming operations with feedback adjustment systems, and the application of acoustic emission combined with machine learning techniques for non-destructive testing and classification of ceramic tile quality. Additionally, computer vision techniques are employed for real-time high-speed processing of product images to monitor porcelain production quality, optimizing production flow and reducing costs. These methods collectively ensure efficient quality management in ceramic production processes.
Why student are not knowledgeable about using ms office application?
5 answers
Students lack knowledge in using Microsoft Office applications due to various reasons such as limited exposure to computer subjects compared to other subjects, insufficient understanding of the importance and international standards of competency certification in using Microsoft Office tools, unfamiliarity with the features and tools in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint software, and inadequate training in basic Office Suite Applications like Word Processor, Spreadsheet, and Presentation Software. Additionally, the high cost of computer courses and lack of formal education on Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint contribute to the students' limited proficiency in these applications. These factors collectively highlight the need for enhanced training and guidance to improve students' skills and confidence in utilizing Microsoft Office applications effectively.
How do the elements of music create meaning in the song "Alexander Hamilton"?
5 answers
The song "Alexander Hamilton" from the musical Hamilton utilizes various elements of music to create meaning. The musical employs hip-hop and rhythm and blues, deeply rooted in Black and brown communities, to provide a contemporary perspective on America's founding. Additionally, the use of musical mnemonics in live entertainment, such as musicals, enhances cognitive experiences and learning capabilities, potentially making the song more memorable and impactful. Furthermore, the musical as a whole delves into leadership lessons applicable to various career stages, reflecting on aspects like maximizing opportunities, self-reflection, empathy, and managing legacies, which could also be reflected in the song "Alexander Hamilton". These elements collectively contribute to the depth and significance of the song within the broader narrative of the musical.
How are decisions made and what are some of the tools used to make these decisions?
4 answers
Decisions are made through various processes and tools across different fields. In management, decision-making involves guiding, organizing, and motivating staff, with no standard algorithm present in all universities in Kazakhstan. Livestock producers utilize Decision Support Tools (DST) to balance productivity and environmental impact, with a need for more tools considering both financial and environmental aspects in Irish farms. Decision-making in public health is influenced by factors like political context and stakeholder relationships, with tools such as burden of disease analysis and stakeholder analysis aiding evidence-informed decisions. Digital tools like those used by political parties and municipalities enhance decision-making processes by promoting transparency and direct democracy. Additionally, the Analytic Hierarchy Process is a valuable tool in software development environments for IT companies, aiding in complex decision-making tasks.
Can the integration of smart technologies in dairy farming improve the sustainability and profitability of the industry?
5 answers
The integration of smart technologies in dairy farming, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), sensor networks, and Internet of Things (IoT), has the potential to significantly enhance the sustainability and profitability of the industry. These technologies enable precision livestock farming (PLF), offering individualized care for animals, optimizing management efficiency, and reducing environmental impacts. By utilizing smart solutions, dairy farms can modernize their infrastructure, improve production performance, reduce emissions, and predict health issues like mastitis in cows. Additionally, the adoption of Machine Learning (ML) techniques can further enhance dairy management by analyzing data from smart devices worn by cows, leading to better milk production and herd evaluation. Overall, the incorporation of smart technologies in dairy farming aligns with global sustainability goals, enhances operational efficiency, and ensures better animal welfare, ultimately driving profitability in the industry.
Why are mining companies and manufacturing companies affected by exchange rate fluctuations?
4 answers
Mining companies and manufacturing companies are impacted by exchange rate fluctuations due to various factors. Research shows that exchange rate fluctuations negatively affect the profitability of listed mining and manufacturing companies. In the case of manufacturing firms, exchange rate fluctuations have a significant negative relationship with their performance. Additionally, the study on Chinese manufacturing enterprises reveals that exchange rate policy uncertainty can constrain better-performing corporates while adversely affecting those with inferior performance. These fluctuations can lead to decreased economic performance in the manufacturing sector, as seen in Nigeria, where changes in exchange rates negatively impact the sector. Overall, exchange rate fluctuations can hinder profitability, performance, and resource allocation efficiency in both mining and manufacturing industries, emphasizing the need for strategies like hedging and effective management to mitigate these risks.
What are Advantages and disadvantages of oligopolies on the economy as a whole ?
4 answers
Oligopolies, prevalent in various sectors, have significant impacts on economies. Advantages include increased productivity and real output growth, leading to consumer welfare enhancement. Oligopolies can also offer relatively low tariffs, making insurance products more accessible to consumers. However, disadvantages exist. Cartel-like behavior in oligopolistic markets can resemble a seller's monopoly, disadvantaging consumers. Moreover, technology oligopolies wield immense power, influencing various aspects of society and governance, potentially deepening wealth disparities. Oligopolization in the insurance market can limit consumer choice and coverage, with large companies sometimes exceeding legal boundaries. Overall, while oligopolies can drive efficiency and market access, careful regulation is crucial to mitigate negative impacts on consumers and market competition.
What are the specific job responsibilities and work demands that contribute to work-related stress among academic staff members?
5 answers
Specific job responsibilities and work demands contributing to work-related stress among academic staff include high job demands, publication pressure, overburdening with workload, competing time demands, work-home balance issues, complexity of student support, organizational politics, lack of mental health support, and using technology-mediated learning. Additionally, factors like high job demand, low job control, and smoking have been associated with work-related stress among academicians. Lack of support from management, inadequate facilities, and feeling undervalued at work are also significant stressors for academic staff in higher learning institutions. These findings emphasize the importance of addressing job demands, resources, and organizational support to mitigate work-related stress among academic employees.
What are the main critics to the Kirckpatrick training evaluation method?
5 answers
Critics of the Kirkpatrick training evaluation model primarily focus on its limitations and challenges. Scholars and practitioners have highlighted issues such as the model's propensity towards lower levels of evaluation, rigidity that overlooks essential aspects, and the lack of evidence on causal chains among the levels. Additionally, studies have shown that organizations often do not require evaluations, lack the necessary knowledge and skills for conducting evaluations, and perceive the costs of evaluations to outweigh the benefits. These criticisms underscore the difficulties in implementing all four levels of the Kirkpatrick model effectively and point towards the need for more appropriate evaluation methods, integration of contextual inputs, and establishing causal relationships among the levels, especially in complex environments like higher education.
Is banking seen as a male profession? why?
10 answers
Banking has historically been perceived as a male-dominated profession, a notion deeply rooted in both societal norms and the structural organization of the industry. This perception stems from a variety of factors, including historical practices, organizational cultures, and gender biases that have collectively contributed to the gendered landscape of the banking sector. Historically, banking and related fields were almost exclusively reserved for men, with women being considered mentally and physically unsuited for financial transactions and the handling of currency and accounting books due to prevailing gender stereotypes. The feminization of office work in banks, although increasing the presence of women, often relegated them to subordinate and poorly paid positions, highlighting a persistent sexual division of labor. The recruitment and promotion practices in the 19th century further emphasized masculinity, respectability, and middle-class values as key attributes for a career in banking, reinforcing the sector's male-dominated identity. Despite the increasing entry of women into the banking sector, as seen in Bangladesh, where women are recognized as equal partners in development, gender disparities in job satisfaction and career advancement opportunities persist. The revolving door from the Treasury to the banking sector in France illustrates a gendered pathway to top executive positions, predominantly accessible to men, further evidencing the sector's male bias. Leadership theories and the historical exclusion of women from leadership roles have only recently begun to shift, acknowledging the contributions of women leaders in banking and challenging the sector's male-dominated narrative. The masculine culture of the financial sector, characterized by patterns of transnational business masculinity, continues to create and sustain a gendered structure within the industry. Structural and attitudinal barriers, including personnel practices and managerial attitudes, have historically limited women's advancement in banking, with only a small percentage of women reaching managerial positions despite forming the majority of the workforce. The "glass ceiling" phenomenon remains a significant obstacle for women in banking, highlighting the unseen barriers to career progression and the persistence of gender discrimination within the industry. In summary, banking is seen as a male profession due to historical exclusions, organizational practices favoring masculinity, and persistent gender biases that hinder women's full participation and advancement in the sector.
What factors contribute to the successful implementation of modular construction in affordable housing globally?
5 answers
Factors contributing to the successful implementation of modular construction in affordable housing globally include various drivers, barriers, and strategies. Drivers such as faster construction, financial incentives, quality control, policy initiatives, and improved worker well-being play a crucial role. Overcoming modular construction adoption barriers significantly contributes to overall sustainable success in residential projects, with a substantial correlation between the two. Additionally, factors like management and sustainability, key performance, know-how and logistics, and regulations and policies are essential for implementing modular construction systems in developing countries. Moreover, the productivity of modular integrated construction installation is influenced by pragmatic factors, management conditions, and various resources utilized in the process. These combined factors and strategies can help drive the successful implementation of modular construction in affordable housing projects globally.