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Is is ture that dolphin kinda have "name for each individual ? 

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Dolphins do have a form of individual identification akin to having a "name" for each individual. This identification is achieved through unique features like the nicks and notches on their dorsal fins . Additionally, dolphins use signature whistles, which are individually distinctive vocalizations learned early in life, serving as a form of name or identity marker for each dolphin . These signature whistles are crucial for individual recognition and maintaining group cohesion, functioning similarly to human names. The use of such distinctive vocalizations indicates a sophisticated level of communication and social structure within dolphin populations, highlighting the complexity of their social behaviors and interactions .

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Dolphins do not use voice cues for individual recognition; instead, they rely on individually distinctive signature whistles, suggesting they do have a form of "name" for each individual.
Yes, dolphins can be recognized individually through unique dorsal fin pigmentations, allowing for identification without physical tagging, as discussed in the research paper on computer-assisted recognition of dolphin individuals.
Book ChapterDOI
Laela S. Sayigh, Vincent M. Janik 
01 Jan 2010
11 Citations
Yes, dolphins have "signature whistles" that function similarly to human names, encoding identity in a learned frequency modulation pattern, aiding in individual recognition and group cohesion.
Yes, dolphins have individual identification through fin photographs, known as photo-identification, to monitor their state, health, social structure, and distribution within a population, as discussed in the paper.
Yes, dolphins have individual identification through fin photographs, known as photo-identification, allowing monitoring of health, social structure, and distribution within populations, as discussed in the paper.

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