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It is concluded that the current attention being given to technology management has significant fundamental implications for engineering and business education.
Our findings show that four educational characteristics—level of formal education, frequency of management training, specificity of strategic management education, and time elapsed since formal education—drive adoption of strategy tools.
The results suggest the importance of management training for technical managers as a potentially effective strategy to reduce turnover.
The article demonstrates the feasibility of teaching technical subjects in a management program.
Career and technical education (CTE) is not mentioned in the legislation, which suggests that more CTE courses may be dropped from high school master schedules, which makes the topic a concern for educational leaders.
This paper suggests that competency‐based, outcome‐focused management development and education programs might benefit from redirecting the non‐technical subjects away from emphasis on theories and skills, to emphasis on the decisions which managers have to make.
It is also possible that the kind of management education that students have rec...
Journal ArticleDOI
Vivien Hodgson, Philip Watland 
81 Citations
The authors argue that, to date, despite the rising importance of networked management learning, it is a topic that has not received sufficient attention in the management education research literature.
The results indicate a degree of conflict among staff regarding the role of Technical education, coupled with limited recognition for Technical subjects among employers.
These skills are a suitable complement to the more normative pedagogical approaches that emphasize the technical and instrumental aspects of management.

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According to the authors overcome low grade performance in Food and Beverage Services subject grade 11?
5 answers
To overcome low-grade performance in Food and Beverage Services subject in grade 11, educators can focus on enhancing teaching strategies to align with industry needs. Additionally, developing effective learning materials specifically tailored to the English for Food and Beverage Service can significantly improve students' skills in this area. Communication skills play a crucial role in the hospitality industry, especially when dealing with guest complaints and service issues. Improving communication skills can bridge the gap between guests and waiters, ultimately enhancing the hotel's image and service quality. Moreover, implementing well-validated and practical learning modules can also contribute to boosting students' performance in Food and Beverage Services, as evidenced by the positive results of a research and development study in vocational high school programs.
What factors contribute to low grade performance in Food and Beverage Services subject among grade 11 students?
5 answers
Factors contributing to low grade performance in Food and Beverage Services among grade 11 students can be multifaceted. Research indicates that hygiene education plays a crucial role in enhancing personal and school foodservice hygiene. Additionally, the mismatch between what is taught in the curriculum and industry expectations can impact internship performance in the Food and Beverage department. Moreover, students employed in food service positions exhibit elevated substance use behavior, which may affect their focus and academic performance. Therefore, addressing hygiene education, aligning curriculum with industry needs, and promoting a healthy work environment for students in food service positions are essential strategies to improve academic performance in Food and Beverage Services among grade 11 students.
How can critical thinking be developed in individuals to facilitate problem-solving and effective communication skills?
5 answers
Critical thinking can be cultivated through various methods to enhance problem-solving and communication skills. Implementing problem-based learning (PBL) activities is effective in developing critical thinking. The integration of critical thinking skills development within foreign language education has shown promising results, emphasizing the importance of step-by-step teaching, relevant content selection, and problem-oriented approaches. Additionally, the use of mind mapping strategies can significantly improve critical thinking abilities, as observed in the study focusing on English language learners. Furthermore, courses like Business Communication can be structured to encourage logical analysis and argumentation, thereby fostering critical thinking skills essential for effective communication and decision-making. Overall, a combination of structured teaching methods, problem-solving activities, and real-life applications can effectively nurture critical thinking in individuals, enabling them to excel in problem-solving and communication.
How affect the working student Senior high school?
5 answers
Working students in senior high school face various impacts on their academic and personal lives. Research indicates that student employment is a common practice, especially among seniors, with over half of them being employed. Working students tend to have higher rates of tardiness, absenteeism, and lower grades compared to non-working students. Additionally, they are less likely to plan for a 4-year college education and more inclined towards joining the military or attending technical schools or community colleges. The negative impacts of work include reduced leisure time for social activities and family interactions, while the positive aspect is the financial independence gained from their earnings. These findings highlight the complex dynamics of balancing work and academics for senior high school students.
How do financial problems impact study habits of students?
5 answers
Financial problems have a significant impact on the study habits of students. Studies from various regions like Greece, India, and America highlight this issue. In Greece, the financial crisis affects students' decisions to pursue higher qualifications and impacts their overall university experience. Similarly, in India, financial stress leads to lower grades, fewer credit hours, and interruptions in academics due to the need to work or drop courses to manage financial burdens. Moreover, in America, the "Great Recession" resulted in program reductions, layoffs, and financial chaos in higher education institutions, affecting students' learning environments. These findings collectively emphasize that financial problems can hinder academic performance, alter study habits, and create challenges for students striving to excel in their educational pursuits.
How do gender stereotypes impact educational attainment for children?
5 answers
Gender stereotypes significantly impact educational attainment for children by influencing their self-perception, confidence, and subject choices. Research highlights that stereotypes persist in education from early ages, affecting students' gender identities. Studies show that gender stereotypes about personalities, behavior, and abilities in education can lead to negative consequences, hindering learning potential and harming mental development. Children's identification with masculine and feminine traits correlates with their confidence and value in academic subjects, with girls often excelling in reading and writing, while boys are associated with maths and sciences due to gender stereotypes. These biases can limit children's opportunities, perpetuate gender disparities, and hinder their overall academic success. Interventions at various educational levels are crucial to combat stereotypes and promote gender equality in education.
How gender influence students program preferences in the Philippines?
5 answers
Gender significantly influences students' program preferences in the Philippines across various educational domains. Studies show that Filipino post-primary students exhibit gender-based differences in physical activity preferences, with males favoring sports like swimming, gymnastics, and basketball, while females lean towards badminton, basketball, and dance lessons. Additionally, research on high school students reveals that males tend to prefer violent computer games, whereas females show a preference for non-violent ones based on their gender and personality types. Moreover, in technical and vocational education, gender plays a role in the employment status of female graduates, with traditional gender norms influencing their program choices and subsequent employability factors. These findings underscore the impact of gender on shaping students' educational and career preferences in the Philippines.
What is AI-based game?
4 answers
An AI-based game refers to a game that incorporates artificial intelligence technologies to enhance gameplay, provide real-time assistance, or improve overall gaming experiences. For instance, AI-enabled curling systems like CurlingHunter offer real-time trajectory predictions and house region displays during matches. In educational settings, AI is utilized in game-based learning to enhance students' neurodevelopment and learning abilities, with proposed systems like B-AIQoE focusing on secure blockchain-enabled environments for augmented game learning. Furthermore, AI is increasingly used in video games to create adaptive difficulty levels, emergent gameplay experiences, and even to test and develop AI algorithms, showcasing the intersection between AI and gaming.
How can one achieve success without a diploma?
5 answers
To achieve success without a diploma, individuals can explore various pathways and support systems. Community colleges, like the Louisiana Community and Technical College System, offer opportunities for those without a high school diploma to access higher education and gain credentials for high-demand careers. Additionally, programs designed to help students drop back into schooling can enable them to discover their capabilities and learn with passion and perseverance, ultimately leading to school achievement. Research also highlights the importance of understanding the experiences and beliefs of "non-traditional" learners who return to educational institutions, shedding light on the barriers they face and the strategies and supports that can be most helpful in navigating educational challenges. By leveraging these resources and support systems, individuals can strive for success even without a traditional diploma.
What are relevance perceptions by students of learning about socioscientific issues?
5 answers
Students perceive learning about socioscientific issues (SSI) as highly relevant due to various reasons. Studies show that engaging with SSI, such as the 'DNA and Genetic Code' unit, enhances academic achievement, fosters critical thinking, decision-making, and empathy skills, and increases awareness of social issues. Furthermore, SSI provide meaningful contexts for learning STEM concepts and practices, aligning with the goals of STEM education. During the COVID-19 pandemic, students' perceptions about SSI were influenced by factors like COVID-19 knowledge, political orientation, and trust in scientific models, impacting their behaviors and support for societal responses. Science education graduates also recognize the value of SSI in improving critical attitudes and scientific communication, especially evident during the pandemic. Understanding students' engagement with various sources of knowledge about SSI can help educators tailor teaching strategies to foster positive attitudes towards SSI engagement.
What technology models are there?
5 answers
Various technology models exist to guide the integration and management of technology in different fields. The SAMR and TPACK models offer frameworks for effectively incorporating digital technologies in educational settings, emphasizing the importance of thoughtful planning and consideration for improved teaching and learning outcomes. In the realm of complex activity technology, formal models and mathematical setups have been developed to address management issues specific to OTSs, highlighting the need for structured approaches in this area. Additionally, the design and adoption model for the technology of complex activity presents a framework for addressing management problems related to technology adoption, including optimal learning, resource allocation, and strategy development for transitioning to productive use. These models play crucial roles in enhancing understanding and facilitating the successful implementation of technology in various contexts.