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Is material point method prone to dispersion and diffusion? 

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The Material Point Method (MPM) has been observed to exhibit dispersion and diffusion issues in certain scenarios. Traditional integration methods in MPM can lead to smoothed velocities among nearby particles without fully recovering momentum, causing numerical viscosity. Additionally, when dealing with large material deformation, MPM may suffer from numerical diffusion, resulting in inaccuracies and challenges in calculating history-dependent quantities. However, advancements have been made to address these issues. For instance, a novel integration scheme has been proposed to correct particle positions at each time step, effectively reducing diffusion and unphysical viscosity compared to traditional integrators. Furthermore, the Partitioned Quadrature Material Point Method (PQMPM) has been developed to mitigate errors like cell crossing and enhance solution accuracy, minimizing diffusion effects.

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The Material Point Method (MPM) minimizes dispersion and diffusion due to its ability to reset the background grid, avoiding mesh distortion and element entanglement.
No, the material-point method (MPM) is not prone to dispersion and diffusion. It avoids errors associated with Eulerian advection schemes, ensuring accurate representation of properties like ice thickness and compactness.
Yes, the Material Point Method is prone to numerical diffusion, causing inaccurate results, especially in cases of large material deformation, as discussed in the abstract.
Not addressed in the paper.
Yes, the Material Point Method (MPM) can exhibit more dissipation and numerical viscosity, but the proposed integration scheme in the paper reduces diffusion and unphysical viscosity effectively.

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