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Is the relationship between fatigue caused by exercise and injury clear? 

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The relationship between fatigue caused by exercise and injury is evident in the literature. Studies have shown that exercise-induced fatigue can lead to an increased risk of musculoskeletal injuries. Specifically, research highlights that neuromuscular fatigue can significantly elevate the risk of anterior cruciate ligament injuries, especially during activities like distance jumping and landing on one foot. Additionally, non-contact injuries, such as anterior cruciate ligament ruptures, are often linked to emerging processes due to exercise-induced fatigue, emphasizing the importance of assessing inter-limb asymmetries during physical load to identify injury precursors. Furthermore, investigations utilizing MRI techniques have demonstrated changes in muscle metabolism and injury patterns following exercise, indicating the impact of fatigue on muscle function. Overall, the data collectively suggest a clear association between exercise-induced fatigue and musculoskeletal injuries.

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The relationship between exercise-induced fatigue and injury risk is complex and not definitively established due to inconsistent findings and lack of systematic research in inter-limb asymmetries.
Yes, the paper indicates that neuromuscular fatigue significantly increases the risk of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in jumping athletes, highlighting a clear relationship between fatigue from exercise and injury.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Zheng Ai, Namei Li, Jing An, Li Zhang 
16 Jun 2022-Scanning
1 Citations
The paper proposes a Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based assessment to indirectly evaluate fatigue injury during exercise, showing changes in muscle metabolism and oxygen levels post-exercise.
The paper clarifies the relationship between exercise fatigue and injury, focusing on muscle fatigue and strain characteristics in lower limb joints during various training methods.
Not addressed in the paper.

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