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Political Risk contribution to IT projects? 

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Political risks can significantly impact IT projects. These risks include formal reforms without tangible outcomes, increased central control leading to social backlash, growing social inequality, and cybersecurity threats . Additionally, geopolitical risks can influence technology development, with global geopolitical risks affecting technology and vice versa, emphasizing the importance of geopolitical constraints on technology evolution . Moreover, political risk acts as a deterrent to foreign direct investment in infrastructure in developing countries, highlighting the sensitivity of projects like IT infrastructure to political uncertainties . Recognizing and mitigating these risks across all project phases, from inception to data publication and beyond, is crucial for researchers and the communities involved .

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Political risk influences FDI decisions, impacting IT projects. Entrepreneurs, especially Colombians, consider political, economic, and social factors when investing globally, aiming to reduce uncertainty in external environments.
Political risk significantly impacts foreign direct investment in infrastructure projects in developing countries, including IT projects, by influencing future cash flows and expected returns.
Geopolitical risk significantly impacts technology projects, influencing development and competition due to countries vying for dominance and security, as per the study's findings.
Not addressed in the paper.
Political risks in IT projects include formal reforms without real results, centralised control backlash, social inequality growth, and cybersecurity threats. These risks hinder digitalisation and require effective management strategies.

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What is the technical risk for software development project?5 answersTechnical risks in software development projects encompass factors that can impede project success. These risks include evolving software design, changes in the technical environment, security debt, and the presence of risk factors related to software requirements and lack of technical skills among staff. Neglecting risk management in software projects can lead to delays, increased costs, and even project failure. To address these challenges, organizations must identify and mitigate technological risk factors through strategies such as prioritizing risk management, implementing countermeasures for different risk factors, and utilizing risk analysis methodologies during the design stage. By understanding and managing these technical risks effectively, software development projects can enhance their chances of successful completion and optimal management within limited resources.
What is geopolitical risk?4 answersGeopolitical risk refers to the potential risks and uncertainties that arise from political, social, and economic factors in different countries and regions. It can impact various aspects such as corporate tax avoidance, multinational operations, water availability and security, investment and employment. Geopolitical risk can be triggered by events like wars, political conflicts, terrorism, and other geopolitical tensions. It can have adverse consequences on businesses, including lower investment, employment, and disaster probability, as well as larger downside risks. The effects of geopolitical risk can be observed at both the aggregate level and the firm or industry level. Understanding and managing geopolitical risk is crucial for policymakers, governments, and top managers of multinational corporations to make informed decisions and mitigate potential negative impacts.
How can risk affect the project?5 answersRisk can affect a project in various ways. Firstly, risks arise from random factors and high uncertainty, which can lead to delays, cost overruns, and negative impacts on project implementation. Different types of risks, such as climate risk, design risk, and resource risk, can have varying probabilities and impacts on project cost and time. Failure to identify and manage risks can result in project failure and poor performance. Socio-political factors, such as labor strikes and disputes, can be major causes of risks in construction projects, leading to cost overruns and disputes between parties. In information technology projects, risk management, including risk identification, analysis, response, and monitoring, is crucial for project performance. By implementing risk analysis and mitigation measures, project managers can increase the success rate of projects and deliver them within budget and stipulated duration.
What are the risk types in software project?5 answersRisk types in software projects include various factors that can impact the success of the project. These risk types can be categorized into different areas. One study identified three main clusters of risk factors: feasibility studies, project team management, and technology requirements. Another paper mentioned risks such as time-to-market, budget and schedule estimation, product deployment, and maintenance. Additionally, the abstracts mentioned the importance of risk identification and prevention, as well as the need for risk management processes in software development projects. By understanding and addressing these risk types, software project managers can mitigate potential issues and improve project outcomes.
What are the different types of political risk that companies face?3 answersCompanies face different types of political risk. One type is the vulnerability of state-controlled companies to political risk, as seen in the case of Petrobras and Banco do Brasil in the 2014 Brazilian election. Another type is the risk caused by domestic business elites when governments are too weak to regulate them, as exemplified by the case of Swedish Tele2's investment in Russia. Additionally, political connections can also influence financial distress risk in firms, with government-linked investment and politically-connected directors leading to higher distress risk, while cronyism and government leaders' family ties do not directly exhibit this effect. Finally, companies also face the risk of being victims of collateral damage in the face of terrorist attacks, highlighting the need for companies to take the threat seriously and protect themselves.
IT Project Risks and Mitigation Strategies?5 answersIT projects are prone to risks, and it is important to have strategies in place to mitigate these risks. Several papers provide insights into IT project risks and mitigation strategies. Dantas et al. conducted interviews with experts and identified nine technological risk factors in software projects, along with corresponding mitigation strategies. Glória Júnior and Chaves focused on IT projects during the merger period in telecommunications companies and identified 13 exclusive risks, along with recommendations for mitigating them. Zhou and Leung emphasized the need for a scheduling strategy for risk mitigation that considers time elements, and proposed new scheduling strategies for risk mitigation. Additionally, Che Pa and Anthony proposed a risk mitigation model to support IT organizations in identifying and mitigating risks, providing risk documentation, and suggesting alternatives for risk treatment. These papers offer valuable insights and strategies for managing risks in IT projects.

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