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What accuracy metrics are used for burned area mapping? 

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Accuracy assessment of burned area maps is traditionally performed using pixel-based metrics to assess the accuracy and precision of burned area estimates at local and regional scales . Other metrics used include the edge error (EE), which quantifies the average distance between the boundaries of the reference and evaluated burn scars . Additionally, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the normalized burn ratio (NBR) are commonly used to assess burnt areas through remote sensing imagery . Three-dimensional (3D) datasets, such as Light detection and ranging (LiDAR), are also used to differentiate vegetation structure in burned and unburned areas and classify burned areas . The synergy of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) data has been evaluated for delineating burned areas, resulting in improved overall mapping accuracy . The segmentation process and random forest algorithm have been used to map burned areas with high accuracy using Landsat 8 imagery .

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The paper mentions that the accuracy of the burned area mapping approach is evaluated using a confusion matrix based on randomly sampled points.
The paper does not mention the specific accuracy metrics used for burned area mapping.
The paper mentions that traditional accuracy metrics for burned area mapping include pixel-based confusion matrix approaches and comparisons with independent reference burned area maps.
The paper does not explicitly mention the accuracy metrics used for burned area mapping.
The paper does not mention the specific accuracy metrics used for burned area mapping.

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