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It is well-known that agricultural policies and production practices influence what farmers choose to grow.
Agricultural education has dual outcomes: a skilled agricultural workforce and successful citizens that are agriculturally literate contributors in a democratic society.
The household heads living in larger households, having a larger farm size, and working full-time (more hours per week) in permanent jobs are more likely to stay in agricultural employment.
This recognises the diversity of agricultural practises that are evident in different areas of the world, which may be quite removed to what might be recognisable as ‘agriculture’ in places such as Europe.
Too fine a distinction, therefore, will not be drawn between agricultural and nonagricultural jobs on the farm or even between employment "in agriculture" and employment which grows out of agricultural enterprise.
We argue that an understanding of what produces satisfied agricultural technicians is important in its own right, but is also important for indirectly increasing agricultural production in these developing countries.
Such matters are important, and farm income directly affects farm family welfare; but there are many other facets to agricultural policy, which in large part have been neglected.
Consequently, farmers are distracted from agriculture and tend to migrate to cities to look for alternative jobs.
There is evidence that agricultural employment moves counter-cyclically, as opposed to non-agricultural employment.
We show that countries where crop diversity increased also supported more agricultural jobs.
Unemployment is a major concern affecting livelihoods all over the world; policies to enhance crop diversity and prevent the loss of associated agricultural jobs are urgently needed.
Those who are further away from such centers are even less likely to be in well-paying non-farm jobs if they are living in areas with greater agricultural potential.
Results show that there is a relationship between agricultural commodity prices and agricultural employment.
The findings reveal a positive impact of the agricultural technologies implemented under Planting for Food and Jobs programme on rice productivity and welfare of rice farmers in Northern Ghana.
There appears to be a link to people working in the soil and as agricultural workers.

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What is organic fertilizer production for local farmers?
5 answers
Organic fertilizer production for local farmers involves utilizing various raw materials to create fertilizers without chemical components, promoting sustainable agriculture. Methods include mixing minerals, phosphates, plant ashes, and additives like calcium carbonate, oyster shells, and bacteria to produce effective organic fertilizers. Raw materials such as soybean straw, broad bean shell, and cattle dung are combined with fermentation agents to enhance fertility and crop yield. The process often includes utilizing rural waste, human-animal manure, lime, and plant ash, emphasizing resource efficiency and environmental protection. Systems are designed to convert organic waste into high-quality fertilizers through fermentation, purification, and processing modules, enhancing the value of organic waste in decentralized treatment settings.
Policy and Recommendations of education sustainable development?
4 answers
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) policies and recommendations are crucial for achieving global sustainability goals. The UNECE Steering Committee on ESD, established in 2005, plays a significant role in developing regional policies and supporting countries in promoting ESD at national and regional levels. The need for improving education management and quality to enhance innovation potential and human capital is emphasized in the context of sustainable economic development. Higher education is highlighted as essential for transferring knowledge, skills, and values to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4, emphasizing the importance of quality education for sustainable development at all levels. The international concept of education for sustainable development is seen as a key tool for achieving Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on integrative thinking, interdisciplinary competencies, and transformative learning approaches. Strategic coordination and understanding of existing gaps are crucial for integrating sustainable development goals into higher education policy, curriculum, and practice.
What is the impact of job satisfaction in occupational health and well being of agricultural workers?
5 answers
Job satisfaction plays a crucial role in the occupational health and well-being of agricultural workers. Studies highlight that factors such as health satisfaction and the nature of the work significantly influence the job satisfaction of agricultural employees. Job satisfaction among rural health workers (RHWs) is also a key variable affecting their work status and turnover behavior, with publications emphasizing its negative predictive effect on job burnout and turnover intention. The agricultural industry, known for its high rates of injury and illness, particularly affects hired farmworkers, who face unjust risks due to structural disadvantages. Enhancing job satisfaction through addressing health concerns, work environment, and structural disparities is essential for promoting the overall occupational health and well-being of agricultural workers.
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5 answers
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What are the causes of climate change in the Philippines?
5 answers
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5 answers
Plant physiology plays a crucial role in enhancing crop productivity by providing insights into key processes essential for optimal plant growth. Understanding water and nutrient absorption, photosynthesis, and the role of plant growth regulators derived from ethylene are vital for optimizing nutrient uptake and managing weeds in crop fields. Additionally, plant molecular physiology elucidates genetic factors, cellular organization, mineral requirements, and hormonal regulation, all of which are fundamental for plant growth and development. Moreover, advancements in greenhouse horticulture, driven by plant physiology research, have led to the integration of technology like sensors and computers for precise climate control and crop management. Furthermore, plant physiology is integral in developing dynamic crop models that predict crop responses to environmental changes, aiding in climate change mitigation and sustainable agriculture practices. Overall, plant physiology guides planting practices by optimizing growth conditions, nutrient uptake, and environmental adaptability.
History of green logistics research ?
4 answers
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What is the history of green logistics research ?
5 answers
Green logistics research has evolved significantly over time to address environmental concerns in various industries. Initially, the focus was on understanding the impact of logistics activities on the environment, such as increased fuel consumption and pollution from transportation vehicles. Subsequently, studies delved into identifying drivers for green logistics adoption, like the need for sustainability and energy savings in industries, leading to the emergence of green logistics as a crucial aspect of sustainable development. Research also highlighted the importance of implementing green logistics practices in transportation organizations to mitigate negative environmental effects, emphasizing the use of eco-friendly vehicles and advanced technologies. Furthermore, studies explored the integration of economy and ecology in green logistics, emphasizing the necessity of transforming the logistics industry for sustainable development.
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5 answers
The recommendations for addressing illegal mining include the need for integrated efforts and collaborative measures at various levels to combat the issue effectively. Additionally, it is suggested that a shift towards non-punitive law enforcement approaches and prioritizing guidance and supervision over punitive measures can be beneficial in handling illegal mining cases. Furthermore, stiffer penalties and amendments to mining laws are proposed to reduce or eliminate illegal mining activities, emphasizing the importance of proper regulation and governance in dealing with this issue. Overall, the strategies involve enhancing capacities, strengthening local values, implementing specific programs, and formulating alternative policies to address the social, economic, and environmental impacts of illegal mining on communities.
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4 answers
Various types of interventions are utilized in social welfare programs. In Sweden, local authorities have the autonomy to select interventions for Children's Social Services and Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Care, resulting in a diverse range of 102 interventions, with only 27 having research evidence supporting them. One study in India implemented an information dissemination intervention to improve the implementation of rural public works programs, showcasing the effectiveness of innovative interventions in enhancing social protection programs. Additionally, a multi-component community-based intervention in Ireland aimed at preventing child maltreatment emphasized the importance of combining evidence-based treatments with community supports to strengthen parent-child bonds and positive parenting strategies. These interventions highlight the significance of evidence-based and diverse approaches in social welfare programs.
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5 answers
Industrial-Organizational (I-O) psychology plays a crucial role in contributing to a company's sustainable growth by focusing on building and retaining competitive employees, effective organizations, and robust economies. This field addresses work-related values, attitudes, and behaviors, influencing productivity and the well-being of employees. By understanding perceptions that organizations have about I-O consultants and interventions, I-O psychologists can target insecurities and skepticism, potentially increasing the effectiveness of interventions and boosting consumer confidence in their services. Additionally, I-O psychology practices, such as talent management, work-life programs, and work diversity, can positively impact organizational competitiveness, which is essential for sustainable growth. Overall, the principles of I-O psychology are recommended as major requirements in employee management programs to achieve sustainable development in the 21st century.