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What are some of the key events that led to the scientific revolution? 

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The key events that led to the scientific revolution include the emergence of Weyl nodes under broken inversion symmetry, the interplay between magnetism and topology in ultrathin hybrid magnets , the introduction of dilaton fields to model new physics and their impact on light propagation in atom interferometers , and the association between economic development and scientific creativity, as well as other creative activities, suggesting a common underlying mindset associated with long-term orientation and exploration . Additionally, the dismissal of evidence-based approaches and proposed cuts to research agencies in the United States may hinder technological innovation and public policy development .

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
07 Apr 2017-Science
3 Citations
The provided paper does not discuss the key events that led to the scientific revolution. The paper is about the dismissal of evidence-based approaches and the potential damage to the U.S. scientific enterprise.
The provided paper is about light propagation and atom interferometry in gravity and dilaton fields. It does not provide information about the key events that led to the scientific revolution.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Tracey A. DePellegrin, Mark Johnston 
01 Nov 2020-Genetics
5 Citations
The provided paper is about opening up peer review, not about the key events that led to the scientific revolution. Therefore, there is no answer to the query in the paper.
The provided paper is about the creation of giant open Fermi arcs in a two-dimensional magnet. It does not discuss any key events that led to the scientific revolution.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Nicolas Baumard, c4tzkhc489 
The paper does not provide information about the key events that led to the scientific revolution. The paper focuses on quantifying scientific production during the late medieval and early modern period and exploring the relationship between economic development and scientific creativity.

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