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What are some of the most promising new battery technology? 

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Some of the most promising new battery technologies include solid-state lithium batteries, sulfur/lithium-ion batteries, and flow batteries. Solid-state lithium batteries are considered safer alternatives to traditional lithium-ion batteries due to their use of inert solids instead of flammable liquid electrolytes . Sulfur/lithium-ion batteries, utilizing a lithium/Sn–C composite anode and a carbyne polysulfide cathode, offer high safety and energy characteristics, making them a strong candidate for high-performance rechargeable batteries . Flow batteries, known for their long cycle life and active thermal management, are promising for large-scale energy storage applications due to their independence of energy and power ratings . These advancements in battery technology aim to enhance performance, safety, and efficiency for various applications.

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Reference EntryDOI
16 Jul 2015
7 Citations
Flow batteries are among the most promising new battery technologies due to their long cycle life, active thermal management, and energy/power independence, making them ideal for large-scale energy storage applications.
A promising new battery technology is the sulfur/lithium-ion battery, featuring a lithium/Sn–C composite anode, carbyne polysulfide cathode, and carbonic ester electrolyte, offering high safety and energy density potential.
Zhang Bo, Ye Jianliang 
30 Jun 2017
1 Citations
The new forms of energy power battery in the paper introduce liquid cooling, heating functions, and innovative structure with green special cotton, silica gel, and heat conduction graphite pieces, showing promising battery technology advancements.
Promising new battery technologies include semi-solid-state batteries by 24M Technologies, aiming to reduce costs, and Factorial Energy's innovative approach supported by Stellantis and Mercedes-Benz for improved electric vehicle performance.
Solid-state lithium batteries are a promising new technology for drones, offering safety benefits by replacing flammable liquid electrolytes with inert solids like plastic or ceramic.

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