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What are the advantages and disadvantages of different edge-preserving noise filters? 

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Edge-preserving filters have several advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, these filters are effective in removing image noise and preserving edges . They have a nonlinear relationship and can be used in various image processing tasks such as denoising, video abstraction, and tone mapping . Some specific filters, such as New Randers, New Normalized Miron, and New Metric filters, are observed to preserve edges better than others, making them suitable for noise removal prior to edge detection . On the negative side, edge-preserving filters can amplify noise and over-enhance images, leading to inconsistencies in brightness and loss of structure information . Additionally, the abundance and diversity of these filters, along with a lack of methodology for evaluation and comparison, can lead to potential misuse and misunderstanding .

Answers from top 5 papers

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
Vusi Skosana, Dumisani Kunene 
17 Sep 2019
3 Citations
The total variation (TV) and relative total variation (RTV) filters showed significant performance gains, while the L0 smoothing filter had poorer performance on color images.
The advantages of the edge-preserving noise filters presented in the paper include avoiding noise amplification and over-enhancement. The disadvantages are not mentioned in the provided information.
The paper introduces a systematic methodology for evaluating and comparing edge-preserving filters, but does not explicitly mention the advantages and disadvantages of different filters.
The advantages of the new anisotropic filters include better edge preservation compared to other filters, making them a useful tool for noise removal prior to edge detection in image processing. No disadvantages are mentioned in the abstract.
The paper provides a comprehensive study on edge-preserving filters, including their advantages and applications, but does not specifically mention their disadvantages.

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