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What are the benefits of breathing exercises? 

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Breathing exercises offer various benefits across different contexts. They can help in shortening the duration of the second stage of labor, improve concentration and stabilize emotions, positively impact dyspnea and 6MWD in lung cancer patients, enhance functional capabilities and tolerance to hypoxic loads in athletes like shooters, and reduce oxidative stress biomarkers such as MDA content while increasing SOD and GSH activities in individuals with or without health conditions. These exercises aid in promoting controlled and efficient ventilation, enhancing oxygen absorption, and facilitating gas exchange, thereby contributing to overall well-being and specific health outcomes in various populations.

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Breathing exercises increase superoxide dismutase and glutathione activities while decreasing malondialdehyde content, thus improving oxidative stress biomarkers in humans, as shown in the meta-analysis.
Breathing exercises enhance shooters' respiratory system, increase tolerance to hypoxic loads, and improve functional capabilities, aiding in recovery and performance in bullet shooting sports.
Breathing exercises benefit lung cancer patients by improving dyspnea and 6-minute walk distance, but do not significantly impact anxiety and depression.
Breathing exercises benefit by shortening the second stage of labor, reducing pain, anxiety, and potentially lowering the need for operative interventions like cesarean sections.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Gianna Salonga, Vanessa Aunor 
21 Feb 2021
1 Citations
Breathing exercises offer benefits such as improved ventilation efficiency, blood pressure regulation, enhanced concentration, emotional stability, increased oxygen absorption, CO2 removal, and tissue acidity reduction.

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