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What are the best estrogen pills to take? 

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Finally, our data about the effects on vaginal flora exerted by two estroprogestin pills (EPs) containing a natural estrogen suggest slight, but interesting differences in terms of vaginal ecology.
Low-dose esterified estrogen improved hemodynamic patterns similar to standard doses of conjugated equine estrogen in postmenopausal women.
Nonsteroidal estrogen antagonists are useful tools to study estrogen action because they can provide pharmacological data in favor of a particular pathway of estrogen action and evidence against other pathways.
These results suggest that pills with a greater margin of safety might be developed by utilizing greater ratios of progestin to estrogen.
Thus, there are other novel therapies such as aromatase inhibitors that block estrogen production in postmenopausal women or fulvestrant that destroys the estrogen receptor.

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5 answers
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