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What are the challenges associated with anaerobic digestion from seawater olive oil bagasse? 

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Anaerobic digestion (AD) of olive-mill wastewater (OMW) faces challenges due to the toxicity of phenolic compounds to methanogenic bacteria . To address this, a catalytic process using copper supported on alumina pillared clay with H2O2 and UV light has been developed to reduce phenolic compounds, making OMW less toxic for AD . Additionally, high solid anaerobic digestion (HSAD) aims to optimize water usage, organic loading rate, and nutrient retention but faces constraints like low methane production rates and high operational costs . Challenges in HSAD include inhibition, temperature, moisture, and reactor design, with low moisture and poor mixing hindering methane yield . Technological integration, such as thermo-mesophilic digestion and co-digestion, is crucial to enhance HSAD efficiency .

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