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What are the current advancements in 3D virtual modeling technology for neuroblastoma surgery? 

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Recent advancements in 3D virtual modeling technology for neuroblastoma surgery include the integration of 3D bioprinting with neuroblastoma spheroid technologies to create in vitro vascular models of neuroblastoma . Additionally, the development of perfused bioreactor-based 3D models using neuroblastoma cell lines and tissue slice-culture has enabled the evaluation of drug responses in a 3D structure, showcasing the potential for preclinical drug testing in neuroblastoma . Moreover, innovative imaging reconstruction techniques like Cinematic Rendering, Volume Rendering, 3D modeling, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and 3D printing are increasingly utilized to plan complex pediatric oncological cases, including neuroblastoma surgeries, offering new insights for surgical planning and therapeutic decisions . These advancements hold promise for enhancing surgical outcomes and treatment strategies for neuroblastoma patients.

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Current advancements in 3D virtual modeling for neuroblastoma surgery include Cinematic Rendering, Volume Rendering, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality, aiding in precise surgical planning and treatment assessment.
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Should PBMCs contain Porphobilinogen?
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