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What are the different gradient-based optimization for Hybrid Power plant sizing? 

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Different gradient-based optimization techniques have been proposed for sizing hybrid power plants. One approach is the use of a gradient-based optimizer (GBO) in combination with the moth-flame optimization algorithm (MFO) . Another method is the Kernel-based Gradient Evolution (KGE) algorithm, which incorporates the concept of reproducing kernel to estimate the numerical gradient . These optimization techniques aim to determine the optimal location and size of various components in hybrid power plants, such as FACTS devices and battery energy storage systems (BESS) . The objective is to maximize the operating profits of the power plants by reducing renewable energy curtailment, compensating for forecasting errors, and minimizing active power losses . These optimization methods convert the original nonlinear programming problems into linear programming problems, allowing for efficient and effective sizing of hybrid power plants .

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The paper proposes a new hybrid metaheuristic method called Kernel-based Gradient Evolution (KGE) for optimization, but it does not specifically mention hybrid power plant sizing.
The paper proposes a hybrid technique that combines gradient-based optimizer (GBO) and moth-flame optimization algorithm (MFO) for optimal sizing of FACTS devices in a hybrid power system.
The given information does not mention anything about gradient-based optimization for hybrid power plant sizing.
The paper does not mention any gradient-based optimization methods for hybrid power plant sizing.
The paper does not mention any specific gradient-based optimization methods for sizing a hybrid power plant.

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