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What are the different methods used to evaluate osmotic pressure in patches? 

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Different methods are employed to evaluate osmotic pressure in patches. One method involves utilizing an osmotic patch pump with a dry agent exerting osmotic pressure when dissolved, controlled by user-operated micro valves . Another approach is the osmomanometer, a direct method that measures osmotic pressure using a simple hydrostatic effect, extending up to 30 kPa and higher pressures with pressurized gas, without the need for a pressure sensor or calibration . Additionally, plasma colloid osmotic pressure (COP) can be assessed through direct measurement using specialized equipment or estimated from serum total protein and total serum solids, with a regression equation available for the estimation . These methods offer diverse ways to measure osmotic pressure in patches, each with its unique advantages and applications.

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Not addressed in the paper.
08 Oct 2012
1 Citations
The osmotic patch pump utilizes a dry agent on a semi-permeable membrane to exert osmotic pressure, with user-controlled micro valves for flow regulation, as detailed in the paper.
The osmomanometer is an alternative method to osmotic stressing polymers for evaluating osmotic pressure in patches, utilizing a hydrostatic effect without the need for a pressure sensor or calibration.
Not addressed in the paper.
The paper introduces a novel method to calculate osmotic pressure between charged planar surfaces based on separation distance, salt concentration, and arbitrary boundary conditions, without requiring electrostatic potential profiles.

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