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What are the different testing methodologies for static fire tests of rockets? 

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There are several testing methodologies for static fire tests of rockets. One method involves using high-speed video cameras and real-time X-ray equipment to capture valuable data during the firing process, allowing for direct investigation of the related phenomena . Another method involves the use of a test simulation device that includes a heater, mixing stabilizing chamber, decelerating stabilizing chamber, test nozzle, and model support. This device generates a gas flow that simulates the fire heating environment of a rocket launching site, allowing for testing and analysis . Additionally, acoustic measurements can be used to predict and analyze the effects of static firing tests. These measurements can be compared with empirical prediction methods and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations to assess the accuracy of the predictions .

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The provided paper does not mention different testing methodologies for static fire tests of rockets. The paper specifically focuses on a method for firing tests of liquid propellant rocket engines using gasoline as fuel.
The provided paper does not mention the different testing methodologies for static fire tests of rockets. The paper is about a test simulation device and method for fire heating environments of a rocket launching site.
The paper does not provide information about different testing methodologies for static fire tests of rockets.
The paper does not provide information about the different testing methodologies for static fire tests of rockets.
The paper does not provide information about the different testing methodologies for static fire tests of rockets.

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