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What are the different types of attacks that can be launched against an 802.15.4 network? 

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There are several types of attacks that can be launched against an 802.15.4 network. These attacks include PHY layer attacks, MAC layer attacks, and jamming-type attacks. PHY layer attacks target the physical layer of the network and exploit vulnerabilities such as the broadcast nature of the wireless medium and resource-constrained nodes . MAC layer attacks, on the other hand, focus on the medium access control layer and take advantage of vulnerabilities such as dynamic network topology and lack of physical safeguards in nodes . Jamming-type attacks involve interfering with the communication between transmitter and receiver nodes by sending radio frequency signals that disrupt the normal signals . These attacks can be constant, random, or reactive, depending on the behavior of the jamming node .

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
Yasmin M. Amin, Amr T. Abdel-Hamid 
01 Nov 2015
11 Citations
The paper provides a classification of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer attacks, including steganography attacks, CCA manipulation attacks, link layer jamming, and node-specific flooding.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
14 Sep 2020
7 Citations
The paper does not mention the specific types of attacks that can be launched against an 802.15.4 network.
The paper provides a taxonomy and analysis of attacks on the IEEE 802.15.4 PHY and MAC layers. It does not explicitly list the different types of attacks, but it classifies and analyzes the attacks based on clear metrics and evaluation criteria.
The paper does not explicitly mention the different types of attacks that can be launched against an 802.15.4 network. The paper focuses on discussing a specific attack called WazaBee, which targets BLE devices to communicate with and potentially attack Zigbee networks.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Yasmin M. Amin, Amr T. Abdel-Hamid 
11 Apr 2016
13 Citations
The paper classifies IEEE 802.15.4 PHY layer attacks into two main categories, but does not explicitly mention the specific types of attacks within each category.

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