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What are the issues on Internet of Things skills in IR 4.0 for construction industry? 

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The challenges related to Internet of Things (IoT) skills in the context of Industry 4.0 (IR 4.0) adoption within the construction industry include significant initial investments, costs for IoT framework mobilization , lack of financial resources, absence of a process change strategy, and low experience in utilizing skilled applications and technologies . Additionally, the need for expert recruitment to train employees on sophisticated technology, maintenance of sensitive IoT devices at construction sites, and the incompatibility of innovations are highlighted as major obstacles . Overcoming these challenges is crucial for successful integration of IoT skills in the construction sector under the IR 4.0 framework.

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Major challenges in Industry 4.0 adoption for the Indian construction industry include the need for experts to train workers on IoT technology due to lack of IT knowledge among employees.
The main challenges in adopting IR 4.0 for SMEs in the Malaysian construction industry include low experiences in utilizing skilled applications and technologies, impacting Internet of Things skills.

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