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What are the key advantages and disadvantages of using robotic exoskeletal frameworks for patients with disabilities? 

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Robotic exoskeletal frameworks offer several advantages for patients with disabilities. They provide high intensity training and better quantitative feedback compared to manual therapy, leading to improved functional outcomes . Exoskeletons have the potential to help individuals maintain or regain neuromuscular health and provide personal mobility or over-ground locomotor training for individuals recovering from stroke, spinal cord injury, or other neurological injuries . They can also provide more control over paretic limbs and address the complexities involved in their design and control . However, there are also some disadvantages to using robotic exoskeletons. Patients using these devices require sufficient upper body strength to control upright posture and manipulate crutches/walking frames to partially support body weight and maintain balance . Additionally, the clinical use of exoskeleton technology remains limited, and it is unclear whether these devices are effective medically, the best choice for therapy, and cost-effective compared to current standards of care .

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The advantages of using robotic exoskeletons for patients with disabilities include potential neuromuscular health benefits and personal mobility. The limitations and safety measures required for each device need to be considered.
The key advantage of using robotic exoskeletons is their potential to help patients regain walking ability. However, the disadvantages include the need for upper body strength and the risk of falling.
The advantages of using robotic exoskeletons include reducing therapist workload, while the disadvantages include the need for longer-term studies on safety and risk of falling.
The paper discusses the advantages of exoskeletons in providing more control over paretic limbs, but does not mention any disadvantages.

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