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What are the limitations of co-occurrence analysis? 

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Co-occurrence analysis, despite its utility in various fields like species monitoring and image analysis, presents limitations. One key constraint lies in the impact of violating the closure assumption, leading to biased conclusions and erroneous inferences on patterns of co-occurrence among species . Additionally, challenges arise in selecting the most reliable method for large co-occurrence datasets due to the expanding array of methodologies available, making model selection complex and time-consuming . Moreover, existing works in temporal action localization often overlook the multi-label scenario and semantic information in class labels, hindering comprehensive analysis of co-occurrence relationships between actions . These limitations underscore the need for careful consideration and methodological advancements in co-occurrence analysis across various domains.

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
Irina Shevlev, Shai Avidan 
01 Jun 2019
8 Citations
Limitations of co-occurrence analysis include shift-invariance and fixed spatial layout in traditional convolutional neural networks, requiring multiple filters to handle different image regions and variations.
Limitations of co-occurrence analysis include neglecting multi-label cases and focusing solely on temporal modeling, as well as overlooking semantic information in class labels, hindering comprehensive action relation learning.
Limitations of co-occurrence analysis include challenges in incorporating multiple species associations, understanding data impact on model performance, and the need for bespoke models for optimal predictions.
Co-occurrence analysis limitations include failure to detect avoidance or aggregation patterns, incorrect inference of independence, and biased estimates when closure assumption is violated in multi-species occupancy models.
Limitations of co-occurrence network analysis (CNA) include method-specific data requirements, determining optimal models, sample size considerations, handling missing data, and interpreting complex model results in hospitality and tourism research.

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